Song Of The Pear Tree

: Boys And Girls Bookshelf

Out in the green, green orchard

Standeth a fine pear tree;

The fine pear tree has leaves, too.

What on the tree may be?

Why, there's a beautiful branch,

Branch on the tree,

Tree in the ground.

Out in the green, green orchard

Standeth a fine pear tree,

The fine pear tree has leaves, too,

And what on its branch may be?

A beautiful twig.

Twig on the branch,

Branch on the tree,

Tree in the ground.

Out in the green, green orchard

Standeth a fine pear tree,

The fine pear tree has leaves, too.

Now what on the twig may be?

A beautiful nest.

Nest on the twig,

Twig on the branch,

Branch on the tree,

Tree in the ground.

Out in the green, green orchard

Standeth a fine pear tree;

The fine pear tree has leaves, too.

Now, what in the nest may be?

A beautiful egg.

Egg in the nest,

Nest on the twig,

Twig on the branch,

Branch on the tree,

Tree in the ground.

Out in the green, green orchard

Standeth a fine pear tree,

The fine pear tree has leaves, too.

Now, what from the egg shall we see?

A beautiful bird.

Bird from the egg,

Egg in the nest,

Nest on the twig,

Twig on the branch,

Branch on the tree,

Tree in the ground.

Out in the green, green orchard

Standeth a fine pear tree;

The fine pear tree has leaves, too.

Now, what on the bird may be?

A beautiful feather.

Feather on the bird,

Bird from the egg,

Egg in the nest,

Nest on the twig,

Twig on the branch,

Branch on the tree,

Tree in the ground.

Out in the green, green meadow

Standeth a fine pear tree;

The fine pear tree hath leaves, too.

Now, what from the feather will be?

A beautiful bed.

Bed from the feather,

Feather from the bird,

Bird from the egg,

Egg in the nest,

Nest on the twig,

Twig on the branch,

Branch on the tree,

Tree in the ground.

Out in the green, green meadow

Standeth a fine pear tree;

The fine pear tree hath leaves, too.

Now, what in that bed may be?

A beautiful child.

Child in the bed,

Bed from the feather,

Feather from the bird,

Bird from the egg,

Egg from the nest,

Nest on the twig,

Twig on the branch,

Branch on the tree,

Tree in the ground.

Out in the green, green meadow

Standeth a fine pear tree,

The fine pear tree hath leaves, too,

And on it these things all be.

