The Tale Of Tommy Fox
Kiddy Katydid and his relatives were in possession of a secret that
none of the Pleasant Valley folk can solve, though they waste much
time and energy trying to guess it. Even to this day it is doubtful if
anyone other than Kiddie himself really knows what Katy did! But his
friends are a curious lot and they work their brains over-time to
think of some scheme to make Kiddie tell. If you want to know what
they do accidentally discover about Kiddie himself and how excited
every body becomes as the rare news spreads from mouth to mouth, you
will find that and many other remarkable things about him in this
interesting story of his life in the Maple tree that grows in Farmer
Green's yard. You will like Kiddie. He is very modest and retiring--
behaving very much as any well raised youngster should, and when you
understand just how it happens that he keeps repeating that funny
remark about Katy, you can join him in the hearty laugh he has on his