The Tale Of Tommy Fox
Daddy is a person of such unusual appearance with, his eight scrawny
legs in contrast to ordinary people's two, and everything about his
private life is such a mystery to his neighbors that his acquaintances
give him credit for having a marvelous ability to look into the
future. In fact, there are many two-legged humans, even today, who
think he is a sort of soothsayer and mystery man. Perhaps, if you are
one of these,
you will be inclined to change your mind after reading
about his contest with Old Mr. Crow to see which is really the wiser
of the two. And would you not naturally suppose that anybody with so
many legs to carry him would be the champion walker of the world?
Maybe Daddy finds that it takes time to decide which of his feet he
should put forward in taking the next step, or may be each separate
foot has a notion of choose; at any rate, he proves to be the slowest
traveler imaginable. But he is so popular among his neighbors and you
will like him too--he has so many quaint ideas.