The Rabbits And The Dogs
Literary Fables Of Yriarte
A Rabbit, whom
Two Dogs pursue,
Into the copse
In terror flew.
Out of his burrow,
At the clatter,
A comrade sprung.--
"Friend, what's the matter?"
"The matter? Zounds!
I'm fairly blown;
By villain hounds
I'm hunted down."
"I see them yonder
Through the furze.
But they 're not hounds."--
"What then?"--"They're curs."
"Curs, hey! Then so
Is my grandmother!
You do not know
The one from t' other."
"Stupid! they 're naught
But mongrel cur."--
"They're hounds, I say."--
"They're curs, good sir."
While they dispute
The dogs arrive;
And both of them
Eat up alive.
* * * * *
Ye who, important
Matters scorning,
Toy with trifles,
Take our warning.