The Sunday Story

: Deccan Nursery Tales

When Englishmen and Englishwomen are little boys and girls, they

listen with open ears to the tales of Golden-hair and the three Bears,

of Cinderella and the Prince, and of the Wolf and Little Red Riding

Hood. As the boys and girls grow up, the stories fade gradually from

their minds. But a time comes when they have children of their own. And

then, to amuse the children, they can find no tales more thrilling

than those
which fascinated them in their own childhood. Thus the

old nursery tales are handed down for centuries from generation to

generation. Exactly the same process goes on in India, There, too, when

little Indian boys and girls grow up and have little boys and girls of

their own, they too tell to wide-eyed audiences the tales which they

themselves found so thrilling in their own childhood. Indian nursery

tales, it is true, have a more religious tinge than those of Europe,

but they are none the less appreciated on that account. The first six

stories in this little book purport to explain the connexion between

the heavenly bodies and the days of the week. So each day of the week

has its separate tale. And all through Shravan or August, probably

because it is the wettest month in the year, Deccan mothers tell afresh

every week-day that day's story. And little Deccan children listen

to the tales as they fall due with the same unvarying attention. For

in nurseries, Indian as well as English, tales are loved the better

when no longer new, and where the end is well known to, and therefore

the better understood by, the tiny round-eyed listeners.

Now this is the tale which is told every Sunday [2] in Shravan: Once

upon a time there was a town called Atpat, and in it there lived a

poor Brahman. Every day he used to go into the woods to fetch sticks

and to cut grass. One day he met there some nymphs and wood-fairies,

who said that they were performing holy rites in honour of the sun. He

asked, "What are these rites?" They replied, "If we tell you, you will

become proud and vain and you will not perform them properly." But the

Brahman promised, "No, I shall not become proud or vain and I shall

observe the rites you tell me." They then told him that the month of

Shravan was coming, and that on the first Sunday of Shravan he was

to draw a picture of the sun with red sandal paste, that he was to

offer to the drawing flowers and fruit, and that he should continue

doing this for six months. Thereafter he should in various ways,

which they told him, entertain guests and give alms to the poor.

The Brahman went home and performed the rites to the letter, so that

the sun-god was very pleased. Wealth came to the Brahman and he grew

richer and richer, and at last the queen of the land sent for him. The

poor Brahman began to tremble and shake all over, but the queen said,

"Do not shake or tremble, but give your daughters in marriage to our

house." The Brahman said, "My daughters are poor; you will make them

slaves or maid-servants." "No," said the queen, "I shall not make

them slaves or maid-servants; I shall marry one to a king, and one to

a minister." The Brahman agreed, and when the month of Margashish,

or December, came he gave his two daughters in marriage, one to the

king and one to the minister. Immediately after the marriage the

Brahman said good-bye to his daughters, and did not see them again

for twelve years. Then he visited the elder one, who had married the

king. She gave him a wooden stand on which to sit while eating, and

water in which to wash his feet, and then said, "Papa, papa, there

is pudding to eat, there is water to drink." But the Brahman said,

"Before I eat or drink, I must tell you my story." But his daughter

said, "Papa, I have no time to listen to your story; the king is

going a-hunting, and I must not keep him waiting for his dinner." The

Brahman thought this very disrespectful and went off in a great rage

to the house of his other daughter, who had married a minister. She

welcomed her father and gave him a wooden stand on which to eat,

and water to wash his feet, and said, "Papa, papa, here is pudding to

eat and here is water to drink." But the Brahman said, "Before I eat

or drink I must tell you my story." His daughter said, "Of course,

papa, tell it to me, and I shall listen as long as you like." Then

she went into an inner room and she fetched six pearls. She took three

herself and three she put in her father's hand. And he told her how he

had met the nymphs and wood-fairies, who had told him to worship the

sun-god, and she listened to it all without missing a syllable. Then

the Brahman ate and drank and went back to his own house. His wife

asked him about their two daughters. He told her everything and said,

"The elder one who would not listen to my story will come to grief."

And so she did. For the king, her husband, took an army into a

far country and never came back. But the daughter who had listened

to the story lived well and happy. As time went on the undutiful

daughter became poorer and poorer, until one day she said to her

eldest son, "Go to your aunt's house and beg of her to give you a

present, and bring back whatever she gives you." Next Sunday the

boy started and went to the village where his aunt lived. Standing

by the village tank he called out, "O maids, O slave-girls, whose

maids and slave-girls are ye?" They answered, "We are the maids and

the slave-girls of the minister." The boy said, "Go and tell the

minister's wife that her sister's son is here. Tell her that he is

standing by the village tank, that his coat is tattered and that

his garments are torn, and ask her to let him come into her house

through the back door." The slave-girls took him in through the

back door. His aunt had him bathed, and gave him clothes to wear,

and food to eat, and drink, and a pumpkin hollowed out and filled

with gold coins. As he left, she called to him, "Do not drop it, do

not forget it, but take it carefully home." But as the boy went home,

the sun-god came disguised as a gardener and stole the pumpkin filled

with gold. When the boy reached his mother's house she asked, "Well,

my son, what did your aunt give you?" He said, "Fortune gave, but Karma

[3] took away; I lost everything my aunt bestowed on me." Next Sunday

the second son went and stood by the village tank and called out,

"O slave-girls and maid-servants, who is your master?" They said,

"Our master is the minister." "Then tell the minister's wife that

her nephew is here." He was taken in by the back door. He was bathed

and clothed and given food and drink. As he was going, his aunt gave

him a hollow stick full of gold coins and said, "Do not drop it,

do not forget it, mind it carefully and take it home." On the way

the sun-god came in the guise of a cowherd and stole the stick. When

the boy got home his mother asked him what he had brought. He said,

"Fortune gave, but Karma took away." On the third Sunday a third son

went and stood by the village tank. His aunt received him like the

others and had him bathed, clothed, and fed. As he was going away,

she gave him a hollow cocoa-nut stuffed with gold coins and said,

"Do not drop it, do not forget it, but mind it carefully and take it

home." On the way back he put down the cocoa-nut on the edge of a well,

and it toppled over and fell into the water with a great splash. When

he reached his mother's house she asked him what his aunt's present

was. He said, "I have lost everything which fortune brought me." On

the fourth Sunday the fourth son went. His aunt welcomed him like

the others, and had him bathed and fed. When he left she gave him an

earthen pot full of gold coins. But the sun-god came in the guise

of a kite and snatched the pot away. When the boy reached home his

mother asked him whether his aunt had given him anything. He said,

"I have lost everything which my aunt gave me." On the fifth Sunday

the mother herself got up and went to her sister's village and stood

by the tank. The minister's wife took her in through her back door

and had her clothed and fed. Then the minister's wife told her that

all her trouble had come through not listening to her father's story,

and the minister's wife repeated it to her. The king's wife listened

to it, and stayed with her sister until the following month of Shravan,

or August, when she did fitting worship to the sun.

Instantly good fortune came to her. After years of weary fighting, her

husband, the king, at last overcame his enemies, and after taking great

wealth from them turned homewards with his army. As he went towards his

capital, he passed the village where the minister's wife lived. There he

learnt that his queen was with her sister, so he sent for her with a

befitting escort. "O auntie, auntie," cried all the queen's little

nephews and nieces, "umbrellas have come for you, and horse-tails and

guards and foot-soldiers." Every one rushed out to see, and the king and

queen greeted each other after years of separation. The sisters gave

each other gifts of clothes, and the king and his queen went away

together. At the first halting-place the servants cooked the food. The

queen filled the king's plate and then her own, and then she thought of

the story which her sister had told her. She ordered her servants to go

through the neighbouring village and bring in any one who was hungry and

too poor to buy food. They found none such in the village, but on the

way back they met a starving wood-cutter, and, bringing him to the

queen, told him to listen to the tale which she would tell him. The

queen brought six pearls. Three she gave to the wood-cutter, and three

she kept herself. Then she told him the story of her father and the

wood-fairies. The wood-cutter listened with all attention, and as he

listened his faggot of wood became all of gold. He went away delighted,

promising to worship the sun in the way the wood-fairies had shown to

the Brahman.

Next day the cavalcade reached the second halting-place. Food was

cooked; the queen filled the king's plate and then her own plate, and

again she told her, servants to bring from the neighbouring village any

one who was hungry and too poor to buy food. They came upon a petty

farmer, whose well had dried up and whose crops had withered. He was

sitting sadly by his field when they called him to go with them and

listen to the queen's tale. He went with them to the camp. There the

queen brought six pearls and gave three of them to the farmer and

kept three of them herself. Then she told the story of her father

and the wood-fairies. And as the farmer listened, all attention,

the water began to pour into the well, and the crop began to look

fresh and green. He went away delighted, and promised to worship the

sun in the way the wood-fairies had told the Brahman. Next day the

cavalcade reached the third halting-place. Food was cooked, and the

queen filled the king's plate and then her own plate. Then she told

the servants to search in the neighbouring village for any one who

was hungry and too poor to buy food. They met an old woman. Her eldest

son had been lost in the forest. Her second son had been drowned in a

pond. Her third son had died of snake-bite. They told her to come and

listen to the queen's story. She went with them, and as she listened,

all attention, first the son who had been lost in the forest walked

into the camp, next the son who had been drowned in the pond, and

last of all the son who had died of a snake-bite. The old woman went

away crying with joy, and promising to worship the sun in the way

the wood-fairies had instructed the Brahman. Next day the cavalcade

reached the fourth halting-place. Food was cooked, and the queen first

filled the king's plate and then her own. After dinner she sent her

servants as before to bring in some poor and hungry man from the

neighbouring village. They found a man whose eyes were so crooked

that he could hardly see, who had no arms or legs, and who had not

even a name. For he was only known as "Lump of flesh." He was lying

on his face, but when they brought him into camp, the queen had him

placed on his back and had a jug of water poured over him. Then she

took six pearls. Three she kept herself, and three she placed on the

stomach of "Lump of flesh." Then she told him the tale of her father

and the wood-fairies. He listened, all attention, and as he listened

his arms and legs grew out of his body, and hands and feet appeared

at the ends of them. He too went away delighted, and he promised to

worship the sun in the way the wood-fairies had told the Brahman.

At the end of the next day's march the king and queen reached their

home. Food was cooked, and as they sat down to dinner the sun-god

himself appeared and joined them at their meal. The king had all

the doors flung wide open, and ordered a fresh and far more splendid

dinner to be prepared, with any number of dishes, each dish having

six separate flavours. When it was served the sun-god and the king

began to eat, but in the first mouthful the sun-god found a hair. He

got very very angry, and called out, "To what sinful woman does this

hair belong?" Then the poor queen remembered that during her twelve

years of poverty she had always sat under the eaves combing her hair,

and knew that it must have been one of her hairs which had got into

the sun-god's food. She begged for mercy, but the sun-god would

not forgive her until she had clothed herself in a black blanket,

plucked a stick out of the eaves, and had gone outside the town and

there thrown the stick and the hair over her left shoulder. Then the

sun-god recovered his good-humour, and finished his dinner. And the

Brahman, the king and queen, and the wood-cutter and the farmer whose

well had dried up, and the old woman who had lost her children, and

"Lump of flesh" with the cross eyes, they all remained in the favour

of the sun-god and lived happily ever afterwards.

