The Good King
Boys And Girls Bookshelf
By Margaret and Clarence Weed
Once upon a time there was a King in Spain who had only one leg. He was
a Good King and he had a big Animal Farm where he kept all the animals
who had lost one or more of their legs.
In another part of Spain there was a Little Half Chick with only one
eye, one wing and one leg. The other chickens with two eyes and two legs
gobbled up the corn so fast that Little
Half Chick was nearly starved.
One day a Donkey told Little Half Chick about the Good King and his
Animal Farm. Little Half Chick at once started hoppity-hop for Mother
Hen and said,
"Mother Hen, I am going to Madrid to see the Good King."
"All right," said Mother Hen, "good luck to you."
So Little Half Chick started off, hoppity-hop, hoppity-hop along the
road to Madrid to see the Good King.
Soon she met a Two-legged Cat going along hippity-hip, hippity-hip on
her leg and crutch. The Cat said,
"Hello, Little Half Chick, where are you going so fast?"
Little Half Chick said, "I am going to Madrid to see the Good King."
"May I go too?" said the Two-legged Cat.
"Yes," said Little Half Chick, "fall in behind."
So the Cat fell in behind. Hoppity-hop, hoppity-hop went Little Half
Chick. Hippity-hip, hippity-hip went the Two-legged Cat.
Soon they met a Three-legged Dog going along humpity-hump, humpity-hump.
The Dog said:
"Hello, Little Half Chick, where are you going so fast?"
Little Half Chick said "I am going to Madrid to see the Good King."
"May I go too?" said the Three-legged Dog.
"Yes," said Little Half Chick, "fall in behind."
So the Dog fell in behind. Hoppity-hop, hoppity-hop went Little Half
Chick. Hippity-hip, hippity-hip went the Two-legged Cat. Humpity-hump,
humpity-hump went the Three-legged Dog.
Soon they met a One-legged Crow going along jumpity-jump, jumpity-jump.
The Crow said:
"Hello, Little Half Chick, where are you going so fast?"
Little Half Chick said: "I am going to Madrid to see the Good King."
"May I go too?" said the One-legged Crow.
"Yes," said Little Half Chick, "fall in behind."
So the Crow fell in behind. Hoppity-hop, hoppity-hop went Little Half
Chick. Hippity-hip, hippity-hip went the Two-legged Cat. Humpity-hump,
humpity-hump went the Three-legged Dog. Jumpity-jump, jumpity-jump went
the One-legged Crow.
Soon they met a Snake with no legs at all. He had caught his tail in his
teeth and was rolling along loopity-loop, loopity-loop. The Snake said:
"Hello, Little Half Chick, where are you going so fast?"
"I am going to Madrid to see the Good King," said Little Half Chick.
"May I go, too?" said the Snake.
"Yes," said Little Half Chick, "fall in behind."
So the Snake fell in behind. Hoppity-hop, hoppity-hop went Little Half
Chick. Hippity-hip, hippity-hip went the Two-legged Cat. Humpity-hump,
humpity-hump went the Three-legged Dog. Jumpity-jump, jumpity-jump went
the One-legged Crow. Loopity-loop, loopity-loop went the Snake with no
legs at all.
Soon they came to Madrid and saw the Good King. With the King was his
little daughter Margaret. They both laughed as all these funny animals
came up. The King said to Little Margaret:
"Do you want to see us all go out to the Animal Farm?"
"Yes," said Little Margaret, "I will lead the way."
So she led the way along the street to the Animal Farm. Behind Margaret
came the One-legged King. Next came the Little Half Chick, next the
Two-legged Cat, next the Three-legged Dog, next the One-legged Crow, and
last of all the Snake with no legs at all. So they all went out to the
Animal Farm. And there they lived happily ever after.