The Fox And The Raven
Boys And Girls Bookshelf
A raven having stolen a bit of cheese, perched in a tree, and held it in
her beak. A fox seeing her longed to possess himself of the cheese, and
by wily stratagem succeeded. "How handsome is the raven," he exclaimed,
"in the beauty of her shape, and in the fairness of her complexion! Oh,
if her voice were only equal to her beauty, she would deservedly be
considered the Queen of the birds!" This he said deceitfully; but the
raven, anxious to refute the reflection cast upon her voice, set up a
loud caw, and dropped the cheese. The fox quickly picked it up, and thus
addressed the raven: "My good raven, your voice is right enough, but
your wit is wanting."
Flattery is often a mask to hide evil.