The Forest Of Lilacs

: Blondine Bonne Biche and Beau Minon
: Old French Fairy Tales

When Blondine entered the forest she commenced gathering the beautiful

branches of lilacs. She rejoiced in their profusion and delighted in

their fragrance.

As she made her selection, it seemed to her that those which were more

distant were still more beautiful so she emptied her apron and her hat,

which were both full and filled them again and again.

Blondine had been thus busily occupied f
r about an hour. She began to

suffer from the heat and to feel great fatigue. She found the branches

of lilacs heavy to carry and thought it was time to return to the

palace. She looked around and saw herself surrounded with lilacs. She

called Gourmandinet but no one replied.

"I have wandered further than I intended," said Blondine. "I will return

at once, though I am very weary. Gourmandinet will hear me and will

surely come to meet me."

Blondine walked on rapidly for some time but she could not find the

boundaries of the forest.

Many times she called anxiously upon Gourmandinet but he did not respond

and at last she became terribly frightened.

"What will become of me, all alone in this vast forest? What will my

poor papa think when I do not return? And Gourmandinet, how will he dare

go back to the palace without me? He will be scolded, perhaps beaten and

all this is my fault because I would leave my carriage to gather lilacs?

Unfortunate girl that I am! I shall die of hunger and thirst in this

forest if the wolves do not eat me up this night."

Weeping bitterly, Blondine fell on the ground at the foot of a large

tree. She wept a long time. At last her great fatigue mastered her

grief. She placed her little head upon her bundle of lilacs, and slept


