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Children Stories
Hush-a-bye Baby
Boys And Girls Bookshelf
Hush-a-bye, baby, in the tree top:
When the wind blows, the cradle will rock;
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall,
Down will come baby, cradle, and all.
Hunting Worse Than Slavery
How The Wicked Tanuki Was Punished
The hunters had hunted the wood for so many years that no wild animal was any more to be found in it. You might walk from one end to the other without ever seeing a hare, or a deer, or a boar, or hearing the cooing of the doves in their nest. If the...
How The Wolves Teach Their Whelps
I was walking along the road, and heard a shout behind me. It was the shepherd boy who was shouting. He was running through the field, and pointing to something. I looked, and saw two wolves running through the field: one was full-grown, and th...
How The Wren Became King Of The Birds
<p>The story is very old, and it may not be true, but this is how they tell it in many countries.</p> <p>The animals had chosen the lion for their King because his looks and his powers seemed to fit him best of all for the place. So the birds made up...
How Tiny Hare Met Cat
[IN WORDS OF NOT MORE THAN FOUR LETTERS] BY A. L. SYKES Once, just as the long, dark time that is at the end of each day came, Mama Hare said to Tiny Hare, who was at play, "Come in, now, it is time for bed. You know you must hide from M...
How To Find Out A True Friend
Once upon a time there lived a king and queen who longed to have a son. As none came, one day they made a vow at the shrine of St. James that if their prayers were granted the boy should set out on a pilgrimage as soon as he had passed his eighteent...
How To Tell A True Princess
There was once upon a time a Prince who wanted to marry a Princess, but she must be a true Princess. So he travelled through the whole world to find one, but there was always something against each. There were plenty of Princesses, but he could n...
How Trees Walk
One day we were cleaning an overgrown path on a hillock near the pond. We cut down a lot of brier bushes, willows, and poplars,--then came the turn of a bird-cherry. It was growing on the path, and it was so old and stout that it could not be less...
Hudden And Dudden And Donald O'neary
There was once upon a time two farmers, and their names were Hudden and Dudden. They had poultry in their yards, sheep on the uplands, and scores of cattle in the meadow-land alongside the river. But for all that they weren't happy. For just be...
Hugh Of Lincoln
He tossed the ball so high, so high, He tossed the ball so low; He tossed the ball in the Jew's garden, And the Jews were all below. Oh, then out came the Jew's daughter, She was dressed all in green; ...
Humpty Dumpty
"Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King's horses and all the King's men Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again." I There he lay, stretched out on the ground, ...
Hungarian Marriage And Divorce Laws
In Hungary proper and Transylvania, together with Fiume and certain parts of the Military Boundary, the marriage law of 1894, supplemented by the Civil Registration Act of the same year, is in operation for all citizens, without regard to religiou...
Hunting Worse Than Slavery
We were hunting bears. My companion had a chance to shoot at a bear: he wounded him, but only in a soft spot. A little blood was left on the snow, but the bear got away. We met in the forest and began to discuss what to do: whether to go and fi...
Hush-a-bye Baby
Hush-a-bye, baby, in the tree top: When the wind blows, the cradle will rock; When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall, Down will come baby, cradle, and all. ...
BY OVID (ADAPTED) Once when the golden-beamed Apollo roamed the earth, he made a companion of Hyacinthus, the son of King Amyclas of Lacedaemon; and him he loved with an exceeding great love, for the lad was beautiful beyond compare. The sun-go...
Hymen And Death
Sixteen, d'ye say? Nay, then 'tis time; Another year destroys your prime. But stay--The settlement? "That's made?" Why then's my simple girl afraid? Yet hold a moment, if you can, And heedfully the fable scan. The shades were ...
Hynde Horn
"'Oh, it's Hynde Horn fair, and it's Hynde Horn free; Oh, where were you born, and in what countrie?' 'In a far distant countrie I was born; But of home and friends I am quite forlorn.'" Once upon a time there was a King o...
I Had A Little Husband
"I had a little husband No bigger than my thumb, I put him in a pint pot, And there I bid him drum I bought a little handkerchief To wipe his little nose, And a pair of little garters To tie his little hose...
I Know What I Have Learned
From the Danish. There was once a man who had three daughters, and they were all married to trolls, who lived underground. One day the man thought that he would pay them a visit, and his wife gave him some dry bread to eat by the way. After he ...
I Love Little Pussy
"I love little pussy, her coat is so warm, And if I don't hurt her, she'll do me no harm. I'll sit by the fire and give her some food, And pussy will love me because I am good." I never will dress her again, that is sure. ...
I Saw A Ship A-sailing
I saw a ship a-sailing, A-sailing on the sea; And, oh! it was all laden With pretty things for thee! There were candies in the cabin, And apples in the hold; The sails were made of silk, And the ...
Idle Ben
Idle Ben was a naughty boy (If you please, this story's true), He caused his teachers great annoy, And his worthy parents, too. Idle Ben, in a boastful way To his anxious parents told That while he was y...
If I Were Queen
BY LUCY FITCH PERKINS. If I were Queen of Anywhere, I'd have a golden crown, And sit upon a velvet chair, And wear a satin gown. A Knight of noble pedigree Should wait beside my seat, To serve me upon b...
Ii The Bravery Of Richard Kirtland
Richard Kirtland was a sergeant in the Second Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers. The day after the great battle of Fredericksburg, Kershaw's brigade occupied the road at the foot of Marye's Hill. One hundred and fifty yards in front of the r...
In the Government of Ufa there lived a Bashkir, Ilyas. His father had left him no wealth. His father had died a year after he had got his son married. At that time Ilyas had seven mares, two cows, and a score of sheep; but Ilyas was a good master ...