A Queer Case

: Keep-well Stories For Little Folks

Agnes, you and John may look at this watch. Don't you think its covering

is very pretty? The covering of the watch is called its case. Now we

will open it, and you may look inside and see what this pretty case

covers. Look at all these little wheels. How small they are! Do you

think they would stay in place long, or run and keep time, if we bruised

them or took off the case? Then you see the case is not only pretty, but

useful. It keeps the little wheels from getting broken or dirty. It

protects them from harm.

Look at the covering or case of your body. It covers and protects you

just as the case does the works in the watch. Well, let me tell you a

story about it. The covering of your body covers a number of organs

which are even more wonderful than the little wheels in the watch.

This covering of your body is full of little holes. These holes are too

small to be seen with our naked eyes. Through these holes air and

sunshine get into your body, and through these tiny holes little drops

of water come out. This is sweat, and it helps to keep our bodies cool.

When you run and play, these little drops of water keep you from

getting too warm. They also help to keep your body clean by bringing out

the little bits of dirt.

I wonder if we are like a little pig, who, when his mother asked him

what kind of a house he wanted, said, "mud house?" If so, we will have

the little holes all closed up. Then we won't have a nice, soft, pink

skin that will let the little drops of water through, but we will have a

dirty, muddy-looking skin. When we run and play we get so warm that it

will make us sick. But if we take nice warm baths twice a week at night,

and a cool sponge bath every morning, with good clear water and soap, we

will be like the watch, and have a beautiful covering, and this will

help to keep our wonderful organs and body well and strong. We must

bathe our hands often, and keep the covering on them nice and clean.

Sometimes germs get on our hands, and, if we do not wash them often, we

may carry them to our mouths. Sometimes this is the way we "catch" a

disease, because we do not keep the covering, or case, on our hands


Did you ever watch the little birds as they fly down to a gutter, or

little stream of water, how they dip their bills into the water? Do they

just fly down into the water only to get a drink? No, indeed. They fill

their bills with water and pour it all over their feathers. They get

into the water, and such a splashing they have! All birds and animals

wash themselves clean and nice when they can get to water. Old Rover has

a good time swimming and bathing in the creek. This is the way they keep

their skins nice and clean, and their hair and feathers slick and


"Drink less, breathe more;

Eat less, chew more;

Ride less, walk more;

Worry less, work more;

Preach less, practice more."


