The Story Of The Merchant And The Genius

: The Arabian Nights Entertainments

Sire, there was once upon a time a merchant who possessed great wealth,

in land and merchandise, as well as in ready money. He was obliged

from time to time to take journeys to arrange his affairs. One day,

having to go a long way from home, he mounted his horse, taking with

him a small wallet in which he had put a few biscuits and dates,

because he had to pass through the desert where no food was to be got.

He arriv
d without any mishap, and, having finished his business, set

out on his return. On the fourth day of his journey, the heat of the

sun being very great, he turned out of his road to rest under some

trees. He found at the foot of a large walnut-tree a fountain of clear

and running water. He dismounted, fastened his horse to a branch of

the tree, and sat by the fountain, after having taken from his wallet

some of his dates and biscuits. When he had finished this frugal meal

he washed his face and hands in the fountain.

When he was thus employed he saw an enormous genius, white with rage,

coming towards him, with a scimitar in his hand.

"Arise," he cried in a terrible voice, "and let me kill you as you have

killed my son!"

As he uttered these words he gave a frightful yell. The merchant,

quite as much terrified at the hideous face of the monster as at his

words, answered him tremblingly, "Alas, good sir, what can I have done

to you to deserve death?"

"I shall kill you," repeated the genius, "as you have killed my son."

"But," said the merchant, "how can I have killed your son? I do not

know him, and I have never even seen him."

"When you arrived here did you not sit down on the ground?" asked the

genius, "and did you not take some dates from your wallet, and whilst

eating them did not you throw the stones about?"

"Yes," said the merchant, "I certainly did so."

"Then," said the genius, "I tell you you have killed my son, for whilst

you were throwing about the stones, my son passed by, and one of them

struck him in the eye and killed him. So I shall kill you."

"Ah, sir, forgive me!" cried the merchant.

"I will have no mercy on you," answered the genius.

"But I killed your son quite unintentionally, so I implore you to spare

my life."

"No," said the genius, "I shall kill you as you killed my son," and so

saying, he seized the merchant by the arm, threw him on the ground, and

lifted his sabre to cut off his head.

The merchant, protesting his innocence, bewailed his wife and children,

and tried pitifully to avert his fate. The genius, with his raised

scimitar, waited till he had finished, but was not in the least touched.

Scheherazade, at this point, seeing that it was day, and knowing that

the Sultan always rose very early to attend the council, stopped


"Indeed, sister," said Dinarzade, "this is a wonderful story."

"The rest is still more wonderful," replied Scheherazade, "and you

would say so, if the sultan would allow me to live another day, and

would give me leave to tell it to you the next night."

Schahriar, who had been listening to Scheherazade with pleasure, said

to himself, "I will wait till to-morrow; I can always have her killed

when I have heard the end of her story."

All this time the grand-vizir was in a terrible state of anxiety. But

he was much delighted when he saw the Sultan enter the council-chamber

without giving the terrible command that he was expecting.

The next morning, before the day broke, Dinarzade said to her sister,

"Dear sister, if you are awake I pray you to go on with your story."

The Sultan did not wait for Scheherazade to ask his leave. "Finish,"

said he, "the story of the genius and the merchant. I am curious to

hear the end."

So Scheherazade went on with the story. This happened every morning.

The Sultana told a story, and the Sultan let her live to finish it.

When the merchant saw that the genius was determined to cut off his

head, he said: "One word more, I entreat you. Grant me a little

delay; just a short time to go home and bid my wife and children

farewell, and to make my will. When I have done this I will come back

here, and you shall kill me."

"But," said the genius, "if I grant you the delay you ask, I am afraid

that you will not come back."

"I give you my word of honour," answered the merchant, "that I will

come back without fail."

"How long do you require?" asked the genius.

"I ask you for a year's grace," replied the merchant. "I promise you

that to-morrow twelvemonth, I shall be waiting under these trees to

give myself up to you."

On this the genius left him near the fountain and disappeared.

The merchant, having recovered from his fright, mounted his horse and

went on his road.

When he arrived home his wife and children received him with the

greatest joy. But instead of embracing them he began to weep so

bitterly that they soon guessed that something terrible was the matter.

"Tell us, I pray you," said his wife, "what has happened."

"Alas!" answered her husband, "I have only a year to live."

Then he told them what had passed between him and the genius, and how

he had given his word to return at the end of a year to be killed.

When they heard this sad news they were in despair, and wept much.

The next day the merchant began to settle his affairs, and first of all

to pay his debts. He gave presents to his friends, and large alms to

the poor. He set his slaves at liberty, and provided for his wife and

children. The year soon passed away, and he was obliged to depart.

When he tried to say good-bye he was quite overcome with grief, and

with difficulty tore himself away. At length he reached the place

where he had first seen the genius, on the very day that he had

appointed. He dismounted, and sat down at the edge of the fountain,

where he awaited the genius in terrible suspense.

Whilst he was thus waiting an old man leading a hind came towards him.

They greeted one another, and then the old man said to him, "May I ask,

brother, what brought you to this desert place, where there are so many

evil genii about? To see these beautiful trees one would imagine it

was inhabited, but it is a dangerous place to stop long in."

The merchant told the old man why he was obliged to come there. He

listened in astonishment.

"This is a most marvellous affair. I should like to be a witness of

your interview with the genius." So saying he sat down by the merchant.

While they were talking another old man came up, followed by two black

dogs. He greeted them, and asked what they were doing in this place.

The old man who was leading the hind told him the adventure of the

merchant and the genius. The second old man had not sooner heard the

story than he, too, decided to stay there to see what would happen. He

sat down by the others, and was talking, when a third old man arrived.

He asked why the merchant who was with them looked so sad. They told

him the story, and he also resolved to see what would pass between the

genius and the merchant, so waited with the rest.

They soon saw in the distance a thick smoke, like a cloud of dust.

This smoke came nearer and nearer, and then, all at once, it vanished,

and they saw the genius, who, without speaking to them, approached the

merchant, sword in hand, and, taking him by the arm, said, "Get up and

let me kill you as you killed my son."

The merchant and the three old men began to weep and groan.

Then the old man leading the hind threw himself at the monster's feet

and said, "O Prince of the Genii, I beg of you to stay your fury and to

listen to me. I am going to tell you my story and that of the hind I

have with me, and if you find it more marvellous than that of the

merchant whom you are about to kill, I hope that you will do away with

a third part of his punishment?"

The genius considered some time, and then he said, "Very well, I agree

to this."

