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Children Stories
The Spider
Boys And Girls Bookshelf
Oh, my dear brother spider,
With your body big and red,
From the eaves you are hanging
On a single little thread.
The Spendthrift and the Swallow
The Spider And The Bee
The Snowstorm
<p>It was at the great winter Carnival of Montreal not long ago. Looking out of a window on a stormy day were five children of different races: an Eskimo, a Dane, a Russian, an Indian, and a Yankee. The managers of the Carnival had brought the first ...
The Snuff-box
As often happens in this world, there was once a young man who spent all his time in travelling. One day, as he was walking along, he picked up a snuff-box. He opened it, and the snuff-box said to him in the Spanish language, 'What do you want?'...
The Soloist Of The Bird Concert
The birds had begun their early morning concerts. "I know why," said daddy. "It is because they have been practising for their opening concert of the season which they gave this morning and which I am going to tell you about this evening. They ...
The Son Of The Wolf Chief
Once upon a time a town near the North Pacific Ocean suffered greatly from famine and many of the Indians who lived there died of hunger. It was terrible to see them sitting before their doors, too weak and listless to move, and waiting silently a...
The Song-bird And The Healing Waters
Once when the snow lay very deep on the ground and the days were grey with frost, there was great sorrow in an Indian village. A dreadful plague had come upon the place and had carried away many of the people. Neither old nor young were p...
The Spanish Armada
The Armada was a great fleet which the King of Spain sent to attack England, in the days of Queen Elizabeth. There were more than a hundred ships, so large and high that they looked like towers on the sea; and they came sailing along arranged in t...
The Sparrow And The Dove
It was, as learn'd traditions say, Upon an APRIL'S blithsome day, When PLEASURE, ever on the wing, Return'd, companion of the SPRING, And cheer'd the birds with am'rous heat, Instructing little hearts to beat; A SPARROW, frolic, g...
The Sparrow and the Hare
A HARE pounced upon by an eagle sobbed very much and uttered cries like a child. A Sparrow upbraided her and said, "Where now is thy remarkable swiftness of foot? Why were your feet so slow?" While the Sparrow was thus speaking, a hawk suddenly sei...
The Sparrow With The Slit Tongue
From the Japanische Marchen und Sagen. A long long time ago, an old couple dwelt in the very heart of a high mountain. They lived together in peace and harmony, although they were very different in character, the man being good-natured and hones...
The Speaking Statue
FROM GESTA ROMANORUM (ADAPTED) There was once a great emperor who made a law that whosoever worked on the birthday of his eldest son should be put to death. He caused this decree to be published throughout his empire, and, sending for his chief m...
The Spectre In Fjelkinge
During the first half of the eighteenth century, several large estates in Schonen were the property of the family of Barnekow, or rather, of its most distinguished representative at that time, Margaret Barnekow, daughter of the famous captain and ...
The Spendthrift and the Swallow
A YOUNG MAN, a great spendthrift, had run through all his patrimony and had but one good cloak left. One day he happened to see a Swallow, which had appeared before its season, skimming along a pool and twittering gaily. He supposed that summer ha...
The Spider
Oh, my dear brother spider, With your body big and red, From the eaves you are hanging On a single little thread. ...
The Spider And The Bee
The nymph who walks the public streets, And sets her cap at all she meets, May catch the fool who turns to stare; But men of sense avoid the snare. As on the margin of the flood, With silken line, my LYDIA stood, I smil'd to s...
The Spider And The Fly
BY MARY HOWITT "Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly, "'Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you did spy; The way into my parlor is up a winding stair, And I have many curious things to show when you ...
The Spirit Of The Corn
AN IROQUOIS LEGEND BY HARRIET MAXWELL CONVERSE (ADAPTED) There was a time, says the Iroquois grandmother, when it was not needful to plant the corn-seed nor to hoe the fields, for the corn sprang up of itself, and filled the broad meadows. Its ...
The Spotted Fawn
When Nimble's mother first looked at him she couldn't believe she would ever be able to raise him. He was such a tiny, frail, spotted thing that he seemed too delicate for a life of adventure on the wooded ridges and in the tangled swamps under th...
The Sprig Of Rosemary
Cuentos Populars Catalans, per lo Dr. D. Francisco de S. Maspons y Labros (Barcelona: Libreria de Don Alvar Verdaguer 1885). Once upon a time there lived a man with one daughter and he made her work hard all the day. One morning when she had fin...
The Sprightly Tailor
A Sprightly tailor was employed by the great Macdonald, in his castle at Saddell, in order to make the laird a pair of trews, used in olden time. And trews being the vest and breeches united in one piece, and ornamented with fringes, were very ...
The Spring Beauty
AN OJIBBEWAY LEGEND BY HENRY R. SCHOOLCRAFT (ADAPTED) An old man was sitting in his lodge, by the side of a frozen stream. It was the end of winter, the air was not so cold, and his fire was nearly out. He was old and alone. His locks were whit...
The Spring Lover And The Autumn Lover
This is a story of the youth of Yamato, when the gods still walked upon the Land of the Reed Plains and took pleasure in the fresh and waving rice-ears of the country-side. There was a lady having in her something of earth and something of heav...
The Spring-tide Of Love
By Pleydell North (Mrs. Egerton Eastwick). THE mists of the early twilight were falling, and Elsa, the little girl who lived at the woodman's cottage, was still far from home. She had wandered out in the spring sunshine in search of the bluebell...
The Squirrel And The Horse
A Steed,--a noble sorrel,-- Docile to spur and rein, Before a little Squirrel Went dashing round a plain. Watching awhile his motions, So swift, yet regular, The Squirrel brisk bespeaks him As follows: "My dea...
The Stag at the Pool
A STAG overpowered by heat came to a spring to drink. Seeing his own shadow reflected in the water, he greatly admired the size and variety of his horns, but felt angry with himself for having such slender and weak feet. While he was thus contempl...