The Soloist Of The Bird Concert
Daddy's Bedtime Bird Stories
The birds had begun their early morning concerts. "I know why," said
daddy. "It is because they have been practising for their opening
concert of the season which they gave this morning and which I am going
to tell you about this evening. They have been practising hard every
"The vireos, having such lovely voices and being devoted to music, got
it up and made all the arrangements. Yesterday, the
ay before the
concert, they scratched signs on the trees, which in the bird world
"'Concert in the village park to-morrow morning at 6 o'clock. All those
who are taking part will, of course, be present. Those who are not
taking part will be invited to attend. Splendid music. Good seats.
Feature of concert to be the soloist. The name of the soloist will not
be made known until the concert.'
"All the birds were tremendously excited when they read that, for it was
all a surprise arranged by the vireos. They were the only ones who knew
who the soloist was to be. At the rehearsals even the soloist had not
"At last the time for the concert came. All the birds were up very early
that morning, fussing to look their very best.
"Most of the birds sat around on the grass, but some of them had
reserved boxes in the trees.
"The program for the concert was delightful. The robins sang in chorus,
as did the chirping sparrows. The warblers sang quartets and duets.
Several of the chickadees gave little solos. The thrushes and the vireos
appeared many times on the program. They were encored again and again
and were greatly pleased.
"The soloist was to appear the very last. A vireo came out and announced
to the audience that the soloist, being slightly nervous, would not
stand before them and sing, but would sing from a very short distance.
"Then they heard from a neighboring tree the strange, lonely song of the
whippoorwill. He sang his song several times over, and the applause was
terrific. The birds were charmed, absolutely charmed.
"The whippoorwill was very modest and didn't see why they liked his solo
at all. He had really been very shy about appearing at the concert. But
he was encouraged by the vireos, who, as a rule, are nervous, too, when
they appear in public.
"At the conclusion of the concert a vote of thanks was given the vireos
for the crowning success of their concert and an additional vote of
thanks for their splendid soloist."