The Cock And His Three Hens

: Boys And Girls Bookshelf

A Cock, named Crimson Crest, was once strutting about with his three

hens, Meek Love, Bright Wit, and Fine Feather. The hens, being in very

good spirits, said, "Ah, how we love you!"

"Why do you love me at all?" said Crimson Crest.

"Because," said they, "of the noble qualities that adorn your mind."

"Are you sure," said he, "you love me for the qualities that adorn my


"Yes, we are," said the three with one voice.

After having gone over some distance, Crimson Crest dropped down like

one dead.

Meek Love wept, saying, "Ah, how he loved us!"

Bright Wit wept, saying, "Ah, how well he crowed!"

Fine Feather wept, saying, "Ah, what bright plumes he had!"

Crimson Crest some time after showed signs of life.

Meek Love cried, "Oh, live and love us again!"

Bright Wit cried, "Oh, let us hear your crowing again!"

Fine Feather cried, "Oh, let us see your bright plumes again!"

Then Crimson Crest got up like one waking from a trance, and with a

hearty laugh exclaimed, "Ladies, you fancied you all loved me for one

and the same reason; but now you see. There is many a way to love as

they say!"

