The Cock And The Crested Hen

: Boys And Girls Bookshelf

There was once a Cock who had a whole farmyard of hens to look after and

manage; and among them was a tiny little Crested Hen. She thought she

was altogether too grand to be in company with the other hens, for they

looked so old and shabby; she wanted to go out and strut about all by

herself, so that people could see how fine she was, and admire her

pretty crest and beautiful plumage.

So one day when all
he hens were strutting about on the dust-heap and

showing themselves off, and picking and clucking, as they were wont to

do, this desire seized her, and she began to cry:

"Cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, over the fence! cluck, cluck, cluck, over

the fence!" and wanted to get away.

The Cock stretched his neck and shook his comb and feathers, and cried:

"Go not there!" And all the old hens cackled:

"Go-go-go-go not there!"

But she set off for all that; and was not a little proud when she got

away, and could go about pluming and showing herself off quite alone.

Just then a hawk began to fly round in a circle above her, and all of a

sudden he swooped down upon her. The Cock, as he stood on top of the

dust-heap, stretching his neck and peering first with one eye and then

with the other, had long noticed him, and cried with all his might:

"Come, come, come and help! Come, come, come and help!" till the people

came running to see what was the matter. They frightened the hawk so

that he let go the Hen, and had to be satisfied with her tuft and her

finest feathers, which he had plucked from her. And then, you may be

sure, she lost no time in running-home; she stretched her neck, and

tripped along, crying:

"See, see, see, see how I look! See, see, see, see how I look!"

The Cock came up to her in his dignified way, drooped one of his wings,

and said:

"Didn't I tell you?"

From that time the Hen did not consider herself too good to be in the

company of the old hens on the dust-heap.

