The Assembly Of Animals
Boys And Girls Bookshelf
Once there was a great assembly of the animals in a wood. The Lion said,
"Look how great my valor! 'Tis this that makes me king of the woods."
The Fox said, "Look, how deep my cunning! 'Tis this that feeds me so
The Peacock said, "Look, how bright my feathers! 'Tis this that makes me
the wonder and admiration of the wood."
The Elephant said, "Look, how long and powerful my tusks! there is
nothing that can resist them."
A Toad, who lived secure in the heart of a rock, close by, said, "'Tis
the Lion's valor that leads him to the herds, and gets him killed by the
hunters. 'Tis the Fox's cunning that brings him to the furrier at last.
'Tis the plumes of the Peacock that men covet; hence his ruin. The
Elephant is hunted for his tusks, and they are his bane." In the mark
of your vanity is your death!