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Children Stories
Popular Rhymes And Nursery Tales
There were three cooks of Colebrook,
And they fell out with our cook;
And all was for a pudding he took
From the three cooks of Colebrook.
Clever Alice
Once upon a time there was a man who had a daughter, who was called Clever Alice; and when she was grown up, her father said, We must see about her marrying. Yes, replied her mother, whenever a young man shall appear who is worthy of her. At...
Clever Elsie
There was once a man who had a daughter who was called Clever Elsie. And when she had grown up her father said: 'We will get her married.' 'Yes,' said the mother, 'if only someone would come who would have her.' At length a man came from a distance ...
Clever Gretel
There was once a cook named Gretel, who wore shoes with red heels, and when she walked out with them on, she turned herself this way and that, was quite happy and thought: 'You certainly are a pretty girl!' And when she came home she drank, in her g...
Clever Hans
The mother of Hans said: 'Whither away, Hans?' Hans answered: 'To Gretel.' 'Behave well, Hans.' 'Oh, I'll behave well. Goodbye, mother.' 'Goodbye, Hans.' Hans comes to Gretel. 'Good day, Gretel.' 'Good day, Hans. What do you bring that is good?' 'I ...
Clever Maria
There was once a merchant who lived close to the royal palace, and had three daughters. They were all pretty, but Maria, the youngest, was the prettiest of the three. One day the king sent for the merchant, who was a widower, to give him directions ...
Climbing The Mountain
<p>Afar in our dry southwestern country is an Indian village; and in the offing is a high mountain, towering up out of the desert. It is considered a great feat to climb this mountain, so that all the boys of the village were eager to attempt it. One...
Clovis The Boy King
Long, long ago, on the banks of the Rhine, there lived a brave and war like tribe called Franks. Their name means "Freemen." I always think Frank is a very nice name for a boy or girl to have. It is so grand to be really and truly free. These F...
Clytie was a beautiful little water nymph who lived in a cave at the bottom of the sea. The walls of the cave were covered with pearls and shells. The floor was made of sand as white as snow. There were many chairs of amber with soft mossy cushi...
Clytie The Heliotrope
BY OVID (ADAPTED) There was once a Nymph named Clytie, who gazed ever at Apollo as he drove his sun-chariot through the heavens. She watched him as he rose in the east attended by the rosy-fingered Dawn and the dancing Hours. She gazed as he asce...
Cock-alu And Hen-alie
BY MARY HOWITT In this tale is shown to you How large the boast of Cock-alu; But, when he comes to act, you'll see Small hope indeed for Hen-alie; And thus you clearly will perceive That who has great things to ach...
My granny is sick, and now is dead,[56] And we'll go mould some cockle-bread; Up with my heels and down with my head, And this is the way to mould cockle-bread. [Footnote 56: Another version says, "and I wish ...
<p>Everyone loves to go a-hunting. Our forebears were hunters for so many ages that the hunting spirit is strong in all of us, even though held in check by the horror of giving pain to a fellow being. But the pleasure of being outdoors, of seeking fo...
There were three cooks of Colebrook, And they fell out with our cook; And all was for a pudding he took From the three cooks of Colebrook. ...
The Collingwoods have borne the name, Since in the bush the buck was ta'en; But when the bush shall hold the buck, Then welcome faith, and farewell luck. Alluding to the Collingwood crest of a stag beneath an oak tree. ...
Collop Monday, Pancake Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Bludee Thursday, Friday's lang, but will be dune, And hey for Saturday afternune! Verses for Shrove-tide, Collop-Monday being a North-country name for Shrove-Mo...
Colour-superstitions, though rapidly disappearing, still obtain in the remote rural districts. The following lines were obtained from the East of England: Blue is true, Yellow's jealous, Green's forsaken, Red's brazen, ...
Columbus And The Egg
BY JAMES BALDWIN (ADAPTED) [8] One day Columbus was at a dinner which a Spanish gentleman had given in his honor, and several persons were present who were jealous of the great admiral's success. They were proud, conceited fellows, and they v...
Columbus At La Rabida
BY WASHINGTON IRVING (ADAPTED) About half a league from the little seaport of Palos de Moguer, in Andalusia, there stood, and continues to stand at the present day, an ancient convent of Franciscan friars, dedicated to Santa Maria de Rabida. O...
Come Out To Play
Boys and girls, come out to play, The moon does shine as bright as day; Leave your supper, and leave your sleep, And meet your playfellows in the street, Come with a whoop and come with a call, Come with a good will o...
Commonwealth Of Australia
The Commonwealth of Australia, created by an act of the Imperial Parliament in 1900 (63 and 64 Vic. cap. 12), is a federal State under the supreme authority of the Crown of Great Britain. This act of Parliament not only created a federal Commonw...
BY HELEN HUNT JACKSON During the whole of one of a summer's hottest days I had the good fortune to be seated in a railway car near a mother and four children, whose relations with each other were so beautiful that the pleasure of watching them ...
Conall Yellowclaw
Conall Yellowclaw was a sturdy tenant in Erin: he had three sons. There was at that time a king over every fifth of Erin. It fell out for the children of the king that was near Conall, that they themselves and the children of Conall came to blows....
Our collection of vernacular scraps, which, like the "brave beggars of Coudingham fair," have been gathered from the lanes and by-ways, is now brought to a conclusion. They are, it must be confessed, but literary vagrants at the best; but they bre...
Connla And The Fairy Maiden
Connla of the Fiery Hair was son of Conn of the Hundred Fights. One day as he stood by the side of his father on the height of Usna, he saw a maiden clad in strange attire towards him coming. "Whence comest thou, maiden?" said Connla. "I come...