'fraid Cat!
Boys And Girls Bookshelf
To Pussy-town, the other day,
The movies came.
And you must know,
The only chance mice have to play
Is when the cats
Go to the show!
(Yes, mice have certain little "rights"--
Though I confess
'Em hard to see!
And one is to stay up o' nights<
r />
And steal our cheese--
If cheese there be!)
Well, in the playhouse, on the screen,
The pussies saw
(And so may you)
True love run smoothly, I ween:
But "also ran,"
A dog in blue!
The foolish cats, in great alarm,
Dashed out, nor
Asked for money back!--
A dog policeman has no charm
When he is close
Upon one's track!
They did not use their heads. I fear;
(Some boys and girls
Are just like that)
And so the pussies now must hear
The grown folks say
"'Fraid cat! 'Fraid cat!"