Thomas The Rhymer

: The Scottish Fairy Book

Of all the young gallants in Scotland in the thirteenth century, there

was none more gracious and debonair than Thomas Learmont, Laird of the

Castle of Ercildoune, in Berwickshire.

He loved books, poetry, and music, which were uncommon tastes in those

days; and, above all, he loved to study nature, and to watch the habits

of the beasts and birds that made their abode in the fields and woods

round about hi

Now it chanced that, one sunny May morning, Thomas left his Tower of

Ercildoune, and went wandering into the woods that lay about the Huntly

Burn, a little stream that came rushing down from the slopes of the

Eildon Hills. It was a lovely morning--fresh, and bright, and warm, and

everything was so beautiful that it looked as Paradise might look.

The tender leaves were bursting out of their sheaths, and covering all

the trees with a fresh soft mantle of green; and amongst the carpet of

moss under the young man's feet, yellow primroses and starry anemones

were turning up their faces to the morning sky.

The little birds were singing like to burst their throats, and hundreds

of insects were flying backwards and forwards in the sunshine; while

down by the burnside the bright-eyed water-rats were poking their noses

out of their holes, as if they knew that summer had come, and wanted to

have a share in all that was going on.

Thomas felt so happy with the gladness of it all, that he threw himself

down at the root of a tree, to watch the living things around him.

As he was lying there, he heard the trampling of a horse's hooves, as it

forced its way through the bushes; and, looking up, he saw the most

beautiful lady that he had ever seen coming riding towards him on a grey


She wore a hunting dress of glistening silk, the colour of the fresh

spring grass; and from her shoulders hung a velvet mantle, which matched

the riding-skirt exactly. Her yellow hair, like rippling gold, hung

loosely round her shoulders, and on her head sparkled a diadem of

precious stones, which flashed like fire in the sunlight.

Her saddle was of pure ivory, and her saddle-cloth of blood-red satin,

while her saddle girths were of corded silk and her stirrups of cut

crystal. Her horse's reins were of beaten gold, all hung with little

silver bells, so that, as she rode along, she made a sound like fairy


Apparently she was bent on the chase, for she carried a hunting-horn and

a sheaf of arrows; and she led seven greyhounds along in a leash, while

as many scenting hounds ran loose at her horse's side.

As she rode down the glen, she lilted a bit of an old Scotch song; and

she carried herself with such a queenly air, and her dress was so

magnificent, that Thomas was like to kneel by the side of the path and

worship her, for he thought that it must be the Blessed Virgin herself.

But when the rider came to where he was, and understood his thoughts,

she shook her head sadly.

"I am not that Blessed Lady, as thou thinkest," she said. "Men call me

Queen, but it is of a far other country; for I am the Queen of

Fairy-land, and not the Queen of Heaven."

And certainly it seemed as if what she said were true; for, from that

moment, it was as if a spell were cast over Thomas, making him forget

prudence, and caution, and common-sense itself.

For he knew that it was dangerous for mortals to meddle with Fairies,

yet he was so entranced with the Lady's beauty that he begged her to

give him a kiss. This was just what she wanted, for she knew that if she

once kissed him she had him in her power.

And, to the young man's horror, as soon as their lips had met, an awful

change came over her. For her beautiful mantle and riding-skirt of silk

seemed to fade away, leaving her clad in a long grey garment, which was

just the colour of ashes. Her beauty seemed to fade away also, and she

grew old and wan; and, worst of all, half of her abundant yellow hair

went grey before his very eyes. She saw the poor man's astonishment and

terror, and she burst into a mocking laugh.

"I am not so fair to look on now as I was at first," she said, "but that

matters little, for thou hast sold thyself, Thomas, to be my servant for

seven long years. For whoso kisseth the Fairy Queen must e'en go with

her to Fairy-land, and serve her there till that time is past."

When he heard these words poor Thomas fell on his knees and begged for

mercy. But mercy he could not obtain. The Elfin Queen only laughed in

his face, and brought her dapple-grey palfrey close up to where he was


"No, no," she said, in answer to his entreaties. "Thou didst ask the

kiss, and now thou must pay the price. So dally no longer, but mount

behind me, for it is full time that I was gone."

So Thomas, with many a sigh and groan of terror, mounted behind her; and

as soon as he had done so, she shook her bridle rein, and the grey steed

galloped off.

On and on they went, going swifter than the wind; till they left the

land of the living behind, and came to the edge of a great desert, which

stretched before them, dry, and bare, and desolate, to the edge of the

far horizon.

At least, so it seemed to the weary eyes of Thomas of Ercildoune, and

he wondered if he and his strange companion had to cross this desert;

and, if so, if there were any chance of reaching the other side of it


But the Fairy Queen suddenly tightened her rein, and the grey palfrey

stopped short in its wild career.

"Now must thou descend to earth, Thomas," said the Lady, glancing over

her shoulder at her unhappy captive, "and lout down, and lay thy head on

my knee, and I will show thee hidden things, which cannot be seen by

mortal eyes."

So Thomas dismounted, and louted down, and rested his head on the Fairy

Queen's knee; and lo, as he looked once more over the desert, everything

seemed changed. For he saw three roads leading across it now, which he

had not noticed before, and each of these three roads was different.

One of them was broad, and level, and even, and it ran straight on

across the sand, so that no one who was travelling by it could possibly

lose his way.

And the second road was as different from the first as it well could be.

It was narrow, and winding, and long; and there was a thorn hedge on one

side of it, and a briar hedge on the other; and those hedges grew so

high, and their branches were so wild and tangled, that those who were

travelling along that road would have some difficulty in persevering on

their journey at all.

And the third road was unlike any of the others. It was a bonnie,

bonnie road, winding up a hillside among brackens, and heather, and

golden-yellow whins, and it looked as if it would be pleasant

travelling, to pass that way.

"Now," said the Fairy Queen, "an' thou wilt, I shall tell thee where

these three roads lead to. The first road, as thou seest, is broad, and

even, and easy, and there be many that choose it to travel on. But

though it be a good road, it leadeth to a bad end, and the folk that

choose it repent their choice for ever.

"And as for the narrow road, all hampered and hindered by the thorns and

the briars, there be few that be troubled to ask where that leadeth to.

But did they ask, perchance more of them might be stirred up to set out

along it. For that is the Road of Righteousness; and, although it be

hard and irksome, yet it endeth in a glorious City, which is called the

City of the Great King.

"And the third road--the bonnie road--that runs up the brae among the

ferns, and leadeth no mortal kens whither, but I ken where it leadeth,

Thomas--for it leadeth unto fair Elf-land; and that road take we.

"And, mark 'ee, Thomas, if ever thou hopest to see thine own Tower of

Ercildoune again, take care of thy tongue when we reach our journey's

end, and speak no single word to anyone save me--for the mortal who

openeth his lips rashly in Fairy-land must bide there for ever."

Then she bade him mount her palfrey again, and they rode on. The ferny

road was not so bonnie all the way as it had been at first, however. For

they had not ridden along it very far before it led them into a narrow

ravine, which seemed to go right down under the earth, where there was

no ray of light to guide them, and where the air was dank and heavy.

There was a sound of rushing water everywhere, and at last the grey

palfrey plunged right into it; and it crept up, cold and chill, first

over Thomas's feet, and then over his knees.

His courage had been slowly ebbing ever since he had been parted from

the daylight, but now he gave himself up for lost; for it seemed to him

certain that his strange companion and he would never come safe to their

journey's end.

He fell forward in a kind of swoon; and, if it had not been that he had

tight hold of the Fairy's ash-grey gown, I warrant he had fallen from

his seat, and had been drowned.

But all things, be they good or bad, pass in time, and at last the

darkness began to lighten, and the light grew stronger, until they were

back in broad sunshine.

Then Thomas took courage, and looked up; and lo, they were riding

through a beautiful orchard, where apples and pears, dates and figs and

wine-berries grew in great abundance. And his tongue was so parched and

dry, and he felt so faint, that he longed for some of the fruit to

restore him.

He stretched out his hand to pluck some of it; but his companion turned

in her saddle and forbade him.

"There is nothing safe for thee to eat here," she said, "save an apple,

which I will give thee presently. If thou touch aught else thou art

bound to remain in Fairy-land for ever."

So poor Thomas had to restrain himself as best he could; and they rode

slowly on, until they came to a tiny tree all covered with red apples.

The Fairy Queen bent down and plucked one, and handed it to her


"This I can give thee," she said, "and I do it gladly, for these apples

are the Apples of Truth; and whoso eateth them gaineth this reward, that

his lips will never more be able to frame a lie."

Thomas took the apple, and ate it; and for evermore the Grace of Truth

rested on his lips; and that is why, in after years, men called him

"True Thomas."

They had only a little way to go after this, before they came in sight

of a magnificent Castle standing on a hillside.

"Yonder is my abode," said the Queen, pointing to it proudly. "There

dwelleth my Lord and all the Nobles of his court; and, as my Lord hath

an uncertain temper and shows no liking for any strange gallant whom he

sees in my company, I pray thee, both for thy sake and mine, to utter no

word to anyone who speaketh to thee; and, if anyone should ask me who

and what thou art, I will tell them that thou art dumb. So wilt thou

pass unnoticed in the crowd."

With these words the Lady raised her hunting-horn, and blew a loud and

piercing blast; and, as she did so, a marvellous change came over her

again; for her ugly ash-covered gown dropped off her, and the grey in

her hair vanished, and she appeared once more in her green riding-skirt

and mantle, and her face grew young and fair.

And a wonderful change passed over Thomas also; for, as he chanced to

glance downwards, he found that his rough country clothes had been

transformed into a suit of fine brown cloth, and that on his feet he

wore satin shoon.

Immediately the sound of the horn rang out, the doors of the Castle flew

open, and the King hurried out to meet the Queen, accompanied by such a

number of Knights and Ladies, Minstrels and Page-boys, that Thomas, who

had slid from his palfrey, had no difficulty in obeying her wishes and

passing into the Castle unobserved.

Everyone seemed very glad to see the Queen back again, and they crowded

into the Great Hall in her train, and she spoke to them all graciously,

and allowed them to kiss her hand. Then she passed, with her husband, to

a dais at the far end of the huge apartment, where two thrones stood, on

which the Royal pair seated themselves to watch the revels which now


Poor Thomas, meanwhile, stood far away at the other end of the Hall,

feeling very lonely, yet fascinated by the extraordinary scene on which

he was gazing.

For, although all the fine Ladies, and Courtiers, and Knights were

dancing in one part of the Hall, there were huntsmen coming and going in

another part, carrying in great antlered deer, which apparently they had

killed in the chase, and throwing them down in heaps on the floor. And

there were rows of cooks standing beside the dead animals, cutting them

up into joints, and bearing away the joints to be cooked.

Altogether it was such a strange, fantastic scene that Thomas took no

heed of how the time flew, but stood and gazed, and gazed, never

speaking a word to anybody. This went on for three long days, then the

Queen rose from her throne, and, stepping from the dais, crossed the

Hall to where he was standing.

"'Tis time to mount and ride, Thomas," she said, "if thou wouldst ever

see the fair Castle of Ercildoune again."

Thomas looked at her in amazement. "Thou spokest of seven long years,

Lady," he exclaimed, "and I have been here but three days."

The Queen smiled. "Time passeth quickly in Fairy-land, my friend," she

replied. "Thou thinkest that thou hast been here but three days. 'Tis

seven years since we two met. And now it is time for thee to go. I would

fain have had thy presence with me longer, but I dare not, for thine

own sake. For every seventh year an Evil Spirit cometh from the Regions

of Darkness, and carrieth back with him one of our followers, whomsoever

he chanceth to choose. And, as thou art a goodly fellow, I fear that he

might choose thee.

"So, as I would be loth to let harm befall thee, I will take thee back

to thine own country this very night."

Once more the grey palfrey was brought, and Thomas and the Queen mounted

it; and, as they had come, so they returned to the Eildon Tree near the

Huntly Burn.

Then the Queen bade Thomas farewell; and, as a parting gift, he asked

her to give him something that would let people know that he had really

been to Fairy-land.

"I have already given thee the Gift of Truth," she replied. "I will now

give thee the Gifts of Prophecy and Poesie; so that thou wilt be able to

foretell the future, and also to write wondrous verses. And, besides

these unseen gifts, here is something that mortals can see with their

own eyes--a Harp that was fashioned in Fairy-land. Fare thee well, my

friend. Some day, perchance, I will return for thee again."

With these words the Lady vanished, and Thomas was left alone, feeling a

little sorry, if the truth must be told, at parting with such a radiant

Being and coming back to the ordinary haunts of men.

After this he lived for many a long year in his Castle of Ercildoune,

and the fame of his poetry and of his prophecies spread all over the

country, so that people named him True Thomas, and Thomas the Rhymer.

I cannot write down for you all the prophecies which Thomas uttered, and

which most surely came to pass, but I will tell you one or two.

He foretold the Battle of Bannockburn in these words:

"The Burn of Breid

Shall rin fou reid,"

which came to pass on that terrible day when the waters of the little

Bannockburn were reddened by the blood of the defeated English.

He also foretold the Union of the Crowns of England and Scotland, under

a Prince who was the son of a French Queen, and who yet bore the blood

of Bruce in his veins.

"A French Quen shall bearre the Sonne;

Shall rule all Britainne to the sea,

As neere as is the ninth degree,"

which thing came true in 1603, when King James, son of Mary, Queen of

Scots, became Monarch of both countries.

* * * * *

Fourteen long years went by, and people were beginning to forget that

Thomas the Rhymer had ever been in Fairy-land; but at last a day came

when Scotland was at war with England, and the Scottish army was

resting by the banks of the Tweed, not far from the Tower of


And the Master of the Tower determined to make a feast, and invite all

the Nobles and Barons who were leading the army to sup with him.

That feast was long remembered.

For the Laird of Ercildoune took care that everything was as magnificent

as it could possibly be; and when the meal was ended he rose in his

place, and, taking his Elfin Harp, he sang to his assembled guests song

after song of the days of long ago.

The guests listened breathlessly, for they felt that they would never

hear such wonderful music again. And so it fell out.

For that very night, after all the Nobles had gone back to their tents,

a soldier on guard saw, in the moonlight, a snow-white Hart and Hind

moving slowly down the road that ran past the camp.

There was something so unusual about the animals that he called to his

officer to come and look at them. And the officer called to his brother

officers, and soon there was quite a crowd softly following the dumb

creatures, who paced solemnly on, as if they were keeping time to music

unheard by mortal ears.

"There is something uncanny about this," said one soldier at last. "Let

us send for Thomas of Ercildoune, perchance he may be able to tell us if

it be an omen or no."

"Ay, send for Thomas of Ercildoune," cried every one at once. So a

little page was sent in haste to the old Tower to rouse the Rhymer from

his slumbers.

When he heard the boy's message, the Seer's face grew grave and wrapt.

"'Tis a summons," he said softly, "a summons from the Queen of

Fairy-land. I have waited long for it, and it hath come at last."

And when he went out, instead of joining the little company of waiting

men, he walked straight up to the snow-white Hart and Hind. As soon as

he reached them they paused for a moment as if to greet him. Then all

three moved slowly down a steep bank that sloped to the little river

Leader, and disappeared in its foaming waters, for the stream was in

full flood.

And, although a careful search was made, no trace of Thomas of

Ercildoune was found; and to this day the country folk believe that the

Hart and the Hind were messengers from the Elfin Queen, and that he went

back to Fairy-land with them.

