The Horses' Council
Boys And Girls Bookshelf
Once upon a time, a restless, dissatisfied horse persuaded all the other
horses on the farm that they were oppressed by the man who owned them,
and that they should rebel against him.
So a meeting was called to which all the horses came, to argue the
matter and see what should be done. One wanted one thing, one another,
and at the last a young colt, who ha
not yet been trained sprang to the
front with tossing mane, and proud, arched neck, and eyes of fire, and
thus addressed the listening throng of horses:
"What slaves we are! How low has fallen our race! Because our fathers
lived in their service, must we too toil? Shall we submit ourselves to
man, and spend our youth in servile tasks; with straining sinews drag
the ploughshare through the heavy soil, or draw the carrier's heavy load
in winter cold or beneath the sun of summer? See how strong we are, how
weak man is! Shall we subdue our strength, and champ a bit, and serve
his pride? Not so. Away with bit and bridle, rein and spur! We shall be
free as air!"
He ceased, and with a step of conscious pride regained his place among
the crowd, from which came snickers of applause and neighs of praise.
Then from behind the crowd, with slow and stately movements, came an
aged steed. He faced the turbulent crew, and with firm accents that
compelled their silence, he began to speak:
"When I was young as you," he said, "I too cried out for freedom from
the daily toil that was my task. I soon had better thoughts. Man toils
for us. For us he braves the summer heat, to store our food. If we lend
him our strength to plough the land, he sows and reaps the grain, that
we may share it, as we share the toil. Through all the world's history
it has been decreed each one must in some way aid the other's need."
He ceased, and left the place, and by his words the council quietly