The Cautious Cat

: Boys And Girls Bookshelf

by D.K. Stevens

A Cautious Cat

And a Reckless Rat

Went to sea with an Innocent Lamb.

They sailed in a yawl

With nothing at all

To eat but a Sugar-cured Ham.

The wind blew high

In a sky-blue sky,

At a rate they had never foreseen.

The wi
d blew low,

And the wind also

Blew a little bit in between--

Just a little bit in between.

Said the Cautious Cat

To the Reckless Rat,

Likewise to the Innocent Lamb:

"We'll tack this smack

And sail right back

To send a Mar-coni-o-gram.

For the winds might blow

Both high and low

And I wouldn't care a Lima Bean,

But I never can sail

When the ocean gale

Blows a little bit in between--

Just a little bit in between.

"Of course with me

You will never agree,"

Said the Cat to the Rat and the Lamb,

"But if you balk

You will have to walk,--

That's the kind of kitten I am!"

So they sailed right back

On the larboard tack

To the nearest port of call,

And the Reckless Rat

Let it go at that,

While the Lamb said nothing at all--

Said nothing--whatever--at all.

Katherine Maynadier Browne

