The Bear The Monkey And The Hog

: Literary Fables Of Yriarte

A Piedmontese a Bear had taught

Upon two legs the art of dancing;

To earn their bread, the master sought,

By showing off his awkward prancing.

Now, Bruin, anxious to excel,

Before the Monkey showed his skill.

"How do I dance, friend? Prithee tell."

"Ill," said the Monkey, "very ill."

"I am afraid you look on me,"

Bruin, "with a jealous eye.

Now, that I move quite gracefully,

And know the step, can you deny?"

A jolly Pig was standing by,

And shouted,--"Bravo! nobly done!

A better dancer, sure am I,

Was never seen beneath the sun."

He spoke. But Bruin thoughtful stood,

And soberly the grunter eyed;

At last, in sad and humble mood,

To his loud praise he thus replied:

"When Monkey did my dancing slight

I did not much the censure heed;

But now I see, by your delight,

It must be miserable, indeed."

* * * * *

Authors, who seek a noble fame,

Mark well the moral of my verse!

That's bad which worthy judges blame;

What bad applaud, is worse.

