Pussy Sits Beside The Fire

: Boys And Girls Bookshelf

"Pussy sits beside the fire

How can she be fair?

Then comes in the little dog.

"Pussy, are you there?

So so, dear Mistress Pussy,

Pray tell me how you do?"

"Indeed, I thank you little dog,

I'm very well just now."

"Fy, pussy, what a lazy cat,

On such a pleasant day

To sit and drowse besi
e the fire

And sleep the hours away!

A self-respecting dog would think

Himself a sorry cur,

If he did nothing all day long

But fold his arms and purr!"

"Now, sir, you needn't criticize

Because I sit and blink,

For while my eyes are shut, like this,

I think, and think, and think.

And when I purr, please understand

I work with all my might,

A-humming over songs I sing

When I go out at night.

"Excuse me. Now I'll close my eyes,

And think a little more.

On busy days like this, I show

My visitors the door.

'T is only little dogs who judge

That one must idle be,

Unless one's chasing round and round

Or barking up a tree."

