The Wolves and the Sheepdogs

: Aesop's Fables

THE WOLVES thus addressed the Sheepdogs: "Why should you, who are

like us in so many things, not be entirely of one mind with us,

and live with us as brothers should? We differ from you in one

point only. We live in freedom, but you bow down to and slave

for men, who in return for your services flog you with whips and

put collars on your necks. They make you also guard their sheep,

and while they eat the mutton throw only the bones to you. If

you will be persuaded by us, you will give us the sheep, and we

will enjoy them in common, till we all are surfeited." The Dogs

listened favorably to these proposals, and, entering the den of

the Wolves, they were set upon and torn to pieces.

