: The Tale Of Tommy Fox

Mr. Crow has a very solemn look--unless you regard him closely. But it

is a very sly, knowing look, if you take pains to stare boldly into

his eyes. Like many human beings, he is fond of clothes, and he

particularly likes gay ones, but perhaps that is because he is so

black himself.

Anyhow, so long as he can wear a bright red coat and a yellow necktie

--or a bright red necktie and a yellow coat--he is gen
rally quite

happy. One fall Mr. Crow decides to stay in Pleasant Valley during the

winter, instead of going South, and he remembers all at once that he

will need some warm clothing. Now, Mr. Frog, the tailor, and Jimmy

Rabbit, the shoemaker, know just how to talk to Mr. Crow to sell their

merchandise, playing upon his vanity to buy the latest, and even to

"set the styles," but they have to be pretty keen and sly to get the

best of Mr. Crow in the end. Mr. Crow has his good points as well as

his bad ones, and he helps Farmer Green a lot more than he injures him

it is said. Nevertheless, Farmer Green does not figure that way,--and

in justice to old "Jim Crow," you should read of his adventures for


