The Espousal Of The Rat's Daughter

: Japanese Fairy Tales

Mr. Nedzumi, the Rat, was an important personage in the hamlet where he

lived--at least he was so in his own and his wife's estimation. This was

in part, of course, due to the long line of ancestors from whom he was

descended, and to their intimate association with the gods of Good

Fortune. For, be it remembered, his ancestry went back into a remote

past, in fact as far as time itself; for had not one of his race been

elected as the first animal in the cycle of the hours, precedence being

even given him over the dragon, the tiger, and the horse? As to his

intimacy with the gods, had not one of his forebears been the chosen

companion of the great Daikoku, the most revered and the most beneficent

of the gods of Good Fortune?

Mr. Rat was well-to-do in life. His home had for generations been

established in a snug, warm and cosy bank, hard by one of the most

fertile rice-fields on the country-side, where crops never failed, and

where in spring he could nibble his fill of the young green shoots, and

in autumn gather into his storerooms supplies of the ripened grain

sufficient for all his wants during the coming winter.

For his needs were not great. Entertainment cost him but little, and,

unlike his fellows, he had the smallest of families, in fact a family of

one only.

But, as regards that one, quality more than compensated for quantity,

for it consisted of a daughter, of a beauty unsurpassed in the whole

province. He himself had been the object of envy in his married life,

for he had had the good fortune to marry into a family of a very select

piebald breed, which seldom condescended to mix its blood with the

ordinary self-coloured tribe, and now his daughter had been born a

peerless white, and had received the name of Yuki, owing to her

resemblance to pure snow.

It is little wonder, then, that as she grew up beautiful in form and

feature, her father's ambitions were fired, and that he aspired to marry

her to the highest in the land.

As it happened, the hamlet where he lived was not very far removed from

a celebrated temple, and Mr. Rat, having been brought up in the odour of

sanctity, had all his life long been accustomed to make pilgrimages to

the great shrine. There he had formed the acquaintance of an old priest,

who was good enough to provide for him out of the temple offerings in

return for gossip as to the doings of his village, which happened to be

that in which the priest had been born and bred. To him the rat had

often unburdened his mind, and the old priest had come to see his

friend's self-importance and his little weaknesses, and had in vain

impressed upon him the virtues of humility.

Now Mr. Rat could find no one amongst his village companions to inform

him where to attain what had now become an insatiable desire, namely, a

fine marriage for his daughter. So he turned to the temple custodian for

advice, and one summer morn found him hammering on the gong which

summoned his friend the priest.

"Welcome, Mr. Rat; to what am I indebted for your visit?" said the old

priest, for experience had shown him that his friend seldom came so far

afield unless he had some request to make.

Thereupon Mr. Rat unburdened himself of all that was in his mind, of his

aspiration, and of the difficulty he had in ascertaining in what manner

he could obtain it.

Nor did the priest immediately satisfy him, for he said the matter was a

difficult one, and would require much consideration. However, on the

third day the oracle gave answer as follows: "There is no doubt that

apart from the gods there is no one so powerful, or who exercises so

beneficent a rule over us, as His Majesty the Sun. Had I a daughter, and

did I aspire to such heights for her as you do, I should make my suit to

him, and I should take the opportunity of so doing when he comes down to

our earth at sundown, for then it is that he decks himself in his most

gorgeous apparel; moreover, he is more readily approached when his day's

work is done, and he is about to take his well-earned rest. Were I you

I would lose no time, but present myself in company with your honourable

wife and daughter to him this very evening at the end of the great

Cryptomeria Avenue at the hour when he especially honours it by flooding

it with his beams."

"A thousand thanks," said Mr. Rat. "No time is to be lost if I am to get

my folk together at the time and place you mention."

"Good fortune to you," said the priest; "may I hail you the next time I

see you as father-in-law to His Majesty the Sun."

At the appointed hour parents and daughter were to be seen in the

avenue, robed in their finest clothes; and as the sun came earthwards

and his rays illumined the gloom under the great pines, Mr. Rat, noway

abashed, addressed His Majesty and at once informed him of his desire.

His Majesty, evidently considering that one business personage

addressing another should not waste time in beating about the bush,

replied as follows: "I am extremely beholden to you for your kind

intention of allowing me to wed your honourable and beautiful daughter,

O Yuki San, but may I ask your reason for selecting me to be your

honourable son-in-law?"

To this Mr. Rat replied, "We have determined to marry our daughter to

whoever is the most powerful personage in the world, and that is why we

desire to offer her to you in marriage."

"Yes," said His Majesty, "you are certainly not without reason in

imagining me to be the most august and powerful person in the world;

but, unfortunately, it has been my misfortune to discover that there is

one other even more powerful than myself, against whose plottings I have

no power. It is to him that you should very certainly marry your


"And may we honourably ask you who that potentate may be?" said Mr. Rat.

"Certainly," rejoined the Sun. "It is the Cloud. Oftentimes when I have

set myself to illumine the world he comes across my path and covers my

face so that my subjects may not see me, and so long as he does this I

am altogether in his power. If, therefore, it is the most powerful

personage in the world whom you seek for your daughter, the honourable O

Yuki San, you must bestow her on no one else than the Cloud."

It required little consideration for both father and mother to see the

wisdom of the Sun's advice, and upon his suggestion they determined to

wait on the Cloud at the very earliest opportunity, and at an hour

before he rose from his bed, which he usually made on the slopes of a

mountain some leagues removed from their village. So they set out, and a

long journey they had, so long that Mr. Rat decided that if he was to

present his daughter when she was looking her best, the journey must not

be hurried. Consequently, instead of arriving at early dawn, it was full

afternoon when they neared the summit where the Cloud was apparently

wrapped in slumber. But he roused himself as he saw the family

approaching, and bade them welcome in so urbane a manner that the Rat

at once proceeded to lay his request before him.

To this the Cloud answered, "I am indeed honoured by your condescension

in proposing that I should marry your beauteous daughter, O Yuki San. It

is quite true, as His August Majesty the Sun says, that when I so desire

I have the strength to stay him from exercising his power upon his

subjects, and I should much esteem the privilege of wedding your

daughter. But as you would single out for that honour the most powerful

person in the world, you must seek out His Majesty the Wind, against

whom I have no strength, for as soon as he competes with me for

supremacy I must fain fly away to the ends of the earth."

"You surprise me," said the Rat, "but I take your word for it. I would,

therefore, ask you whether His Majesty the Wind will be this way

shortly, and where I may best meet him."

"I am afraid I cannot tell you at the moment when he is likely to be

this way. He usually announces his coming by harrying some of my

subjects who act as my outposts, but, as you see, they are now all

resting quietly. His Majesty is at this moment, I believe, holding a

court far out in the Eastern Seas. Were I you I would go down to the

seashore and await his coming. He is often somewhat inclined to be

short-tempered by the time he gets up into these mountainous parts,

owing to the obstructions he has met with on his journey, and he will

have had few of these vexatious annoyances during his ride over the


Now, although from the slopes of the mountain the sea looked not very

far distant, it was in reality a long way for a delicately-nurtured

young lady such as Yuki, and every mile of the journey that she had to

traverse increased her querulousness. Her father had often boasted of

the journeys that he had taken down to the coast, free of cost,

concealed in a truck-load of rice, and she would take no excuses that

there was no railway to the point at which they were to await His

Highness the Wind, although had there been it would never have done for

a party engaged on such an embassy to ride in a railway truck. Nor was

her humour improved by the time they had to wait in the very second-rate

accommodation afforded by a fishing hamlet, as none of them were

accustomed to a fish fare. But after many days there were signs that the

great personage was arriving, and they watched with some trepidation his

passage over the sea, although when, in due time, he neared the shore

they could hardly credit the Cloud's assurance as to his strength, for

he seemed the personification of all that was gentle; and Madame Rat at

once interposed the remark that you should never judge a person's

character by what you hear, and that the Cloud evidently owed the Wind a


So the Rat at once unburdened himself to the Wind as it came over the

water towards him, making its face ripple with smiles. And the Wind

itself was in the fairest good humour and addressed the Rat as follows:

"Mr. Cloud is a flatterer, and knows full well that I have no power

against him when he really comes up against me in one of his thunderous

moods. To call me the most powerful person in the world is nonsense.

Where do you come from? Why, in that very village there is one stronger

than me, namely, the high wall that fences in the house of your good

neighbour. If your daughter must fain marry the strongest thing in the

world, wed her to the wall. You will find him a very stalwart spouse. I

wish you good day. I am sorry I cannot offer you a seat in my chariot,

but I am not going in the direction of that wall to-day, else I should

have had much pleasure in introducing your honourable self to my

powerful antagonist."

By this time the party was getting much disheartened, and the stress of

the journey and the chagrin of so many disappointments were beginning to

tell on O Yuki San's beauty. But Mr. Rat said there was nothing for it

but to return home; he knew the wall in question very well, but had no

idea it stood so high in the world's estimation--he had always thought

of it as somewhat of a dullard.

So they trudged homewards, and it was weary work, for the Cloud had

hidden the Sun, and the Wind had fretted the Cloud, who showed his

ill-humour by discharging a surplusage of moisture he had in his pocket,

and they approached their home wet through, bedraggled and worn out. As

luck would have it, just as they gained the wall which the wind had

singled out for its power, a heavier downpour than ever came on and they

were glad to take shelter under the lee of the wall. Now Mr. Wall had

always been known for his inquisitive nature, which, it is said, arose

from one side of his face never being able to see what was going on on

the other; and so hearing his leeward side addressing Mr. Rat, and

ascertaining that he had come from the sea, the windward side at once

asked whether he had any tidings of that scoundrel the Wind, who was

always coming and chafing his complexion.

"Why," said Mr. Rat, "we met him but recently, and he desired to be

remembered to you, who, he said, was the strongest person in the world."

"I the strongest! It shows his ignorance. Why, only yesterday your

nephew, the big brown rat, because he would not be at the trouble of

going round, must needs gnaw a hole through me. The strongest thing in

the world! Why, next time the wind comes this way he'll rush through the

hole and be telling your nephew that he's the strongest person in the


At this moment the rain stopped, the clouds rolled by, and the sun shone

out, and Mr. and Mrs. Rat went home congratulating themselves that they

had not had to demean themselves by proposing their daughter in marriage

to a neighbour with such a false character.

And a month afterwards O Yuki San expressed her determination to marry

her cousin, and her parents were fain to give their consent, for had he

not proved himself to be the most powerful person in the world?

