The Bull Of Norroway

: Popular Rhymes And Nursery Tales

[This is a modern version, taken down from recitation, of the very old

tale of the Black Bull of Norroway, mentioned in the Complaynt of

Scotland, 1548. It is here taken, by the author's kind permission, from

the Popular Rhymes of Scotland, by Mr. Robert Chambers, the most

delightful book of the kind ever published.]

To wilder measures next they turn:

The black black bull of Norroway!
br /> Sudden the tapers cease to burn,

The minstrels cease to play!

Once upon a time there lived a king who had three daughters; the two

eldest were proud and ugly, but the youngest was the gentlest and most

beautiful creature ever seen, and the pride not only of her father and

mother, but of all in the land. As it fell out, the three princesses

were talking one night of whom they would marry. "I will have no one

lower than a king," said the eldest princess; the second would take a

prince, or a great duke even. "Pho, pho," said the youngest, laughing,

"you are both so proud; now, I would be content with the Red Bull o'

Norroway." Well, they thought no more of the matter till the next

morning, when, as they sat at breakfast, they heard the most dreadful

bellowing at the door, and what should it be but the Red Bull come for

his bride. You may be sure they were all terribly frightened at this,

for the Red Bull was one of the most horrible creatures ever seen in the

world. And the king and queen did not know how to save their daughter.

At last they determined to send him off with the old henwife. So they

put her on his back, and away he went with her till he came to a great

black forest, when, throwing her down, he returned, roaring louder and

more frightfully than ever. They then sent, one by one, all the

servants, then the two eldest princesses; but not one of them met with

any better treatment than the old henwife, and at last they were forced

to send their youngest and favorite child.

On travelled the lady and the bull through many dreadful forests and

lonely wastes, till they came at last to a noble castle, where a large

company was assembled. The lord of the castle pressed them to stay,

though much he wondered at the lovely princess and her strange

companion. When they went in among the company, the princess espied a

pin sticking in the bull's hide, which she pulled out, and, to the

surprise of all, there appeared not a frightful wild beast, but one of

the most beautiful princes ever beheld. You may believe how delighted

the princess was to see him fall at her feet, and thank her for breaking

his cruel enchantment. There were great rejoicings in the castle at

this; but, alas! at that moment he suddenly disappeared, and though

every place was sought, he was nowhere to be found. The princess,

however, determined to seek through all the world for him, and many

weary ways she went, but nothing could she hear of her lover. Travelling

once through a dark wood, she lost her way, and as night was coming on,

she thought she must now certainly die of cold and hunger; but seeing a

light through the trees, she went on till she came to a little hut,

where an old woman lived, who took her in, and gave her both food and

shelter. In the morning, the old wifie gave her three nuts, that she was

not to break till her heart was "like to break, and owre again like to

break;" so, showing her the way, she bade God speed her, and the

princess once more set out on her wearisome journey.

She had not gone far till a company of lords and ladies rode past her,

all talking merrily of the fine doings they expected at the Duke o'

Norroway's wedding. Then she came up to a number of people carrying all

sorts of fine things, and they, too, were going to the duke's wedding.

At last she came to a castle, where nothing was to be seen but cooks and

bakers, some running one way, and some another, and all so busy that

they did not know what to do first. Whilst she was looking at all this,

she heard a noise of hunters behind her, and some one cried out, "Make

way for the Duke o' Norroway!" and who should ride past but the prince

and a beautiful lady! You may be sure her heart was now "like to break,

and owre again like to break," at this sad sight; so she broke one of

the nuts, and out came a wee wifie carding. The princess then went into

the castle, and asked to see the lady, who no sooner saw the wee wifie

so hard at work, than she offered the princess anything in her castle

for it. "I will give it to you," said she, "only on condition that you

put off for one day your marriage with the Duke o' Norroway, and that I

may go into his room alone to-night." So anxious was the lady for the

nut, that she consented. And when dark night was come, and the duke fast

asleep, the princess was put alone into his chamber. Sitting down by

his bedside, she began singing:

Far hae I sought ye, near am I brought to ye;

Dear Duke of Norroway, will ye no turn and speak to me?

Though she sang this over and over again, the duke never wakened, and in

the morning the princess had to leave him, without his knowing she had

ever been there. She then broke the second nut, and out came a wee wifie

spinning, which so delighted the lady, that she readily agreed to put

off her marriage another day for it; but the princess came no better

speed the second night than the first, and, almost in despair, she broke

the last nut, which contained a wee wifie reeling; and on the same

condition as before, the lady got possession of it. When the duke was

dressing in the morning, his man asked him what the strange singing and

moaning that had been heard in his room for two nights meant. "I heard

nothing," said the duke; "it could only have been your fancy." "Take no

sleeping-draught to night, and be sure to lay aside your pillow of

heaviness," said the man, "and you also will hear what for two nights

has kept me awake." The duke did so, and the princess coming in, sat

down sighing at his bedside, thinking this the last time she might ever

see him. The duke started up when he heard the voice of his dearly-loved

princess; and with many endearing expressions of surprise and joy,

explained to her that he had long been in the power of an enchantress,

whose spells over him were now happily ended by their once again

meeting. The princess, happy to be the instrument of his second

deliverance, consented to marry him, and the enchantress, who fled that

country, afraid of the duke's anger, has never since been heard of. All

was hurry and preparation in the castle, and the marriage which now took

place at once ended the adventures of the Red Bull o' Norroway and the

wanderings of the king's daughter.

