The Adventures Of A Jackal

: The Orange Fairy Book

In a country which is full of wild beasts of all sorts there once lived

a jackal and a hedgehog, and, unlike though they were, the two animals

made great friends, and were often seen in each other's company.

One afternoon they were walking along a road together, when the jackal,

who was the taller of the two, exclaimed:

'Oh! there is a barn full of corn; let us go and eat some.'

/> 'Yes, do let us!' answered the hedgehog. So they went to the barn, and

ate till they could eat no more. Then the jackal put on his shoes,

which he had taken off so as to make no noise, and they returned to the

high road.

After they had gone some way they met a panther, who stopped, and

bowing politely, said:

'Excuse my speaking to you, but I cannot help admiring those shoes of

yours. Do you mind telling me who made them?'

'Yes, I think they are rather nice,' answered the jackal; 'I made them

myself, though.'

'Could you make me a pair like them?' asked the panther eagerly.

'I would do my best, of course,' replied the jackal; 'but you must kill

me a cow, and when we have eaten the flesh I will take the skin and

make your shoes out of it.'

So the panther prowled about until he saw a fine cow grazing apart from

the rest of the herd. He killed it instantly, and then gave a cry to

the jackal and hedgehog to come to the place where he was. They soon

skinned the dead beasts, and spread its skin out to dry, after which

they had a grand feast before they curled themselves up for the night,

and slept soundly.

Next morning the jackal got up early and set to work upon the shoes,

while the panther sat by and looked on with delight. At last they were

finished, and the jackal arose and stretched himself.

'Now go and lay them in the sun out there,' said he; 'in a couple of

hours they will be ready to put on; but do not attempt to wear them

before, or you will feel them most uncomfortable. But I see the sun is

high in the heavens, and we must be continuing our journey.'

The panther, who always believed what everybody told him, did exactly

as he was bid, and in two hours' time began to fasten on the shoes.

They certainly set off his paws wonderfully, and he stretched out his

forepaws and looked at them with pride. But when he tried to walk--ah!

that was another story! They were so stiff and hard that he nearly

shrieked every step he took, and at last he sank down where he was, and

actually began to cry.

After some time some little partridges who were hopping about heard the

poor panther's groans, and went up to see what was the matter. He had

never tried to make his dinner off them, and they had always been quite


'You seem in pain,' said one of them, fluttering close to him, 'can we

help you?'

'Oh, it is the jackal! He made me these shoes; they are so hard and

tight that they hurt my feet, and I cannot manage to kick them off.'

'Lie still, and we will soften them,' answered the kind little

partridge. And calling to his brothers, they all flew to the nearest

spring, and carried water in their beaks, which they poured over the

shoes. This they did till the hard leather grew soft, and the panther

was able to slip his feet out of them.

'Oh, thank you, thank you,' he cried, skipping round with joy. 'I feel

a different creature. Now I will go after the jackal and pay him my

debts.' And he bounded away into the forest.

But the jackal had been very cunning, and had trotted backwards and

forwards and in and out, so that it was very difficult to know which

track he had really followed. At length, however, the panther caught

sight of his enemy, at the same moment that the jackal had caught sight

of him. The panther gave a loud roar, and sprang forward, but the

jackal was too quick for him and plunged into a dense thicket, where

the panther could not follow.

Disgusted with his failure, but more angry than ever, the panther lay

down for a while to consider what he should do next, and as he was

thinking, an old man came by.

'Oh! father, tell me how I can repay the jackal for the way he has

served me!' And without more ado he told his story.

'If you take my advice,' answered the old man, 'you will kill a cow,

and invite all the jackals in the forest to the feast. Watch them

carefully while they are eating, and you will see that most of them

keep their eyes on their food. But if one of them glances at you, you

will know that is the traitor.'

The panther, whose manners were always good, thanked the old man, and

followed his counsel. The cow was killed, and the partridges flew

about with invitations to the jackals, who gathered in large numbers to

the feast. The wicked jackal came amongst them; but as the panther had

only seen him once he could not distinguish him from the rest.

However, they all took their places on wooden seats placed round the

dead cow, which was laid across the boughs of a fallen tree, and began

their dinner, each jackal fixing his eyes greedily on the piece of meat

before him. Only one of them seemed uneasy, and every now and then

glanced in the direction of his host. This the panther noticed, and

suddenly made a bound at the culprit and seized his tail; but again the

jackal was too quick for him, and catching up a knife he cut off his

tail and darted into the forest, followed by all the rest of the party.

And before the panther had recovered from his surprise he found

himself alone.

'What am I to do now?' he asked the old man, who soon came back to see

how things had turned out.

'It is very unfortunate, certainly,' answered he; 'but I think I know

where you can find him. There is a melon garden about two miles from

here, and as jackals are very fond of melons they are nearly sure to

have gone there to feed. If you see a tailless jackal you will know

that he is the one you want.' So the panther thanked him and went his


Now the jackal had guessed what advice the old man would give his

enemy, and so, while his friends were greedily eating the ripest melons

in the sunniest corner of the garden, he stole behind them and tied

their tails together. He had only just finished when his ears caught

the sound of breaking branches; and he cried: 'Quick! quick! here comes

the master of the garden!' And the jackals sprang up and ran away in

all directions, leaving their tails behind them. And how was the

panther to know which was his enemy?

'They none of them had any tails,' he said sadly to the old man, 'and I

am tired of hunting them. I shall leave them alone and go and catch

something for supper.'

Of course the hedgehog had not been able to take part in any of these

adventures; but as soon as all danger was over, the jackal went to look

for his friend, whom he was lucky enough to find at home.

'Ah, there you are,' he said gaily. 'I have lost my tail since I saw

you last. And other people have lost theirs too; but that is no

matter! I am hungry, so come with me to the shepherd who is sitting

over there, and we will ask him to sell us one of his sheep.'

'Yes, that is a good plan,' answered the hedgehog. And he walked as

fast as his little legs would go to keep up with the jackal. When they

reached the shepherd the jackal pulled out his purse from under his

foreleg, and made his bargain.

'Only wait till to-morrow,' said the shepherd, 'and I will give you the

biggest sheep you ever saw. But he always feeds at some distance from

the rest of the flock, and it would take me a long time to catch him.'

'Well, it is very tiresome, but I suppose I must wait,' replied the

jackal. And he and the hedgehog looked about for a nice dry cave in

which to make themselves comfortable for the night. But, after they

had gone, the shepherd killed one of his sheep, and stripped off his

skin, which he sewed tightly round a greyhound he had with him, and put

a cord round its neck. Then he lay down and went to sleep.

Very, very early, before the sun was properly up, the jackal and the

hedgehog were pulling at the shepherd's cloak.

'Wake up,' they said, 'and give us that sheep. We have had nothing to

eat all night, and are very hungry.'

The shepherd yawned and rubbed his eyes. 'He is tied up to that tree;

go and take him.' So they went to the tree and unfastened the cord,

and turned to go back to the cave where they had slept, dragging the

greyhound after them. When they reached the cave the jackal said to

the hedgehog.

'Before I kill him let me see whether he is fat or thin.' And he stood

a little way back, so that he might the better examine the animal.

After looking at him, with his head on one side, for a minute or two,

he nodded gravely.

'He is quite fat enough; he is a good sheep.'

But the hedgehog, who sometimes showed more cunning than anyone would

have guessed, answered:

'My friend, you are talking nonsense. The wool is indeed a sheep's

wool, but the paws of my uncle the greyhound peep out from underneath.'

'He is a sheep,' repeated the jackal, who did not like to think anyone

cleverer than himself.

'Hold the cord while I look at him,' answered the hedgehog.

Very unwillingly the jackal held the rope, while the hedgehog walked

slowly round the greyhound till he reached the jackal again. He knew

quite well by the paws and tail that it was a greyhound and not a

sheep, that the shepherd had sold them; and as he could not tell what

turn affairs might take, he resolved to get out of the way.

'Oh! yes, you are right,' he said to the jackal; 'but I never can eat

till I have first drunk. I will just go and quench my thirst from that

spring at the edge of the wood, and then I shall be ready for


'Don't be long, then,' called the jackal, as the hedgehog hurried off

at his best pace. And he lay down under a rock to wait for him.

More than an hour passed by and the hedgehog had had plenty of time to

go to the spring and back, and still there was no sign of him. And

this was very natural, as he had hidden himself in some long grass

under a tree!

At length the jackal guessed that for some reason his friend had run

away, and determined to wait for his breakfast no longer. So he went

up to the place where the greyhound had been tethered and untied the

rope. But just as he was about to spring on his back and give him a

deadly bite, the jackal heard a low growl, which never proceeded from

the throat of any sheep. Like a flash of lightning the jackal threw

down the cord and was flying across the plain; but though his legs were

long, the greyhound's legs were longer still, and he soon came up with

his prey. The jackal turned to fight, but he was no match for the

greyhound, and in a few minutes he was lying dead on the ground, while

the greyhound was trotting peacefully back to the shepherd.

[Nouveaux Contes Berberes, par Rene Basset.]

