: The Tale Of Tommy Fox

Yes--there was trouble when Farmer Green discovered that Tommy Fox had

been stealing his hens. He fastened the end of Tommy's chain to the

stake once more. And then he went out to the barn, where his boy

Johnnie was watering the horses.

"We'll have to kill that fox," he said to Johnnie. "He's got loose,

somehow, and he's stolen two hens. I can't have him on the place any

longer. He's made friends with old
Spot and the dog will let him do

anything he likes."

Poor Johnnie Green! He felt so sad! And he begged his father not to

kill Tommy. But Fanner Green was very angry with Tommy.

"No!" he said. "That cub's so tricky there's no knowing when he'll get

loose again." But Johnnie begged so hard that his father promised that

he might keep Tommy one more day.

Johnnie Green was in despair. He could not bear to have his pet

killed. And when he went to bed that night he never fell asleep at

all. He was very tired; but he managed to keep awake. And in the

middle of the night Johnnie got out of bed and put on his clothes. He

didn't dare to light his candle. But the moonbeams streamed in through

his little gable-window and Johnnie could see very well without any

other light.

As soon as he was dressed Johnnie stole down the stairs, carrying his

shoes in his hand, so he wouldn't make any noise. In spite of all his

caution, the old stairs would creak now and then. But luckily nobody

heard him; and soon Johnnie was out of the house.

He found Tommy Fox wide awake, sitting on his haunches in the

moonlight, listening. Far away in the distance a fox was barking and

Tommy thought it sounded like his mother's voice.

Tommy was surprised to see Johnnie Green at that hour. And he was

astonished when Johnnie untied the chain from the stake and started

away with him. They went off across the fields, toward Blue Mountain,

right in the direction of that barking.

The meadows smelled sweet; and Tommy Fox began to wish that he could

slip his head out of his collar and scamper away.

And that was exactly what happened.

After they had gone some distance, Johnnie Green stopped. He unbuckled

Tommy's collar, and gave Tommy a push.

At first Tommy was not quite sure that he wanted to leave his good

master. But there was that fox, yelping and calling. Something seemed

to draw Tommy toward that sound. He just couldn't help himself. And

the first thing he knew he was bounding off over the meadow running as

fast as his legs would carry him, and barking as loudly as he could


Johnnie Green went slowly home again. He crept into the house and

stole upstairs, and cried himself to sleep. But he was glad of one

thing. Tommy Fox would not be killed the next morning.

