How Footbinding Started

: A Chinese Wonder Book

In the very beginning of all things, when the gods were creating the

world, at last the time came to separate the earth from the heavens.

This was hard work, and if it had not been for the coolness and skill of

a young goddess all would have failed. This goddess was named Lu-o. She

had been idly watching the growth of the planet, when, to her horror,

she saw the newly made ball slipping slowly from its place. In another

second it would have shot down into the bottomless pit. Quick as a flash

Lu-o stopped it with her magic wand and held it firmly until the chief

god came dashing up to the rescue.

But this was not all. When men and women were put on the earth Lu-o

helped them greatly by setting an example of purity and kindness. Every

one loved her and pointed her out as the one who was always willing to

do a good deed. After she had left the world and gone into the land of

the gods, beautiful statues of her were set up in many temples to keep

her image always before the eyes of sinful people. The greatest of these

was in the capital city. Thus, when sorrowful women wished to offer up

their prayers to some virtuous goddess they would go to a temple of Lu-o

and pour out their hearts before her shrine.

At one time the wicked Chow-sin, last ruler of the Yins, went to pray in

the city Temple. There his royal eyes were captivated by the sight of a

wonderful face, the beauty of which was so great that he fell in love

with it at once, telling his ministers that he wished he might take this

goddess, who was no other than Lu-o, for one of his wives.

Now Lu-o was terribly angry that an earthly prince should dare to make

such a remark about her. Then and there she determined to punish the

Emperor. Calling her assistant spirits, she told them of Chow-sin's

insult. Of all her servants the most cunning was one whom we shall call

Fox Sprite, because he really belonged to the fox family. Lu-o ordered

Fox Sprite to spare himself no trouble in making the wicked ruler suffer

for his impudence.

For many days, try as he would, Chow-sin, the great Son of Heaven, could

not forget the face he had seen in the temple.

"He is stark mad," laughed his courtiers behind his back, "to fall in

love with a statue."

"I must find a woman just like her," said the Emperor, "and take her to


"Why not, most Mighty One," suggested a favourite adviser, "send forth a

command throughout the length and breadth of your Empire, that no maiden

shall be taken in marriage until you have chosen yourself a wife whose

beauty shall equal that of Lu-o?"

Chow-sin was pleased with this suggestion and doubtless would have

followed it had not his Prime Minister begged him to postpone issuing

the order. "Your Imperial Highness," began the official, "since you have

been pleased once or twice to follow my counsel, I beg of you to give

ear now to what I say."

"Speak, and your words shall have my best attention," replied Chow-sin,

with a gracious wave of the hand.

"Know then, Great One, that in the southern part of your realm there

dwells a viceroy whose bravery has made him famous in battle."

"Are you speaking of Su-nan?" questioned Chow-sin, frowning, for this

Su-nan had once been a rebel.

"None other, mighty Son of Heaven. Famous is he as a soldier, but his

name is now even greater in that he is the father of the most beautiful

girl in all China. This lovely flower that has bloomed of late within

his household is still unmarried. Why not order her father to bring her

to the palace that you may wed her and place her in your royal


"And are you sure of this wondrous beauty you describe so prettily?"

asked the ruler, a smile of pleasure lighting up his face.

"So sure that I will stake my head on your being satisfied."

"Enough! I command you at once to summon the viceroy and his daughter.

Add the imperial seal to the message."

The Prime Minister smilingly departed to give the order. In his heart he

was more than delighted that the Emperor had accepted his suggestion,

for Su-nan, the viceroy, had long been his chief enemy, and he planned

in this way to overthrow him. The viceroy, as he knew, was a man of

iron. He would certainly not feel honoured at the thought of having his

daughter enter the Imperial Palace as a secondary wife. Doubtless he

would refuse to obey the order and would thus bring about his own

immediate downfall.

Nor was the Prime Minister mistaken. When Su-nan received the imperial

message his heart was hot with anger against his sovereign. To be robbed

of his lovely Ta-ki, even by the throne, was, in his eyes, a terrible

disgrace. Could he have been sure that she would be made Empress it

might have been different, but with so many others sharing Chow-sin's

favour, her promotion to first place in the Great One's household was by

no means certain. Besides, she was Su-nan's favourite child, and the old

man could not bear the thought of separation from her. Rather would he

give up his life than let her go to this cruel ruler.

"No, you shall not do it," said he to Ta-ki, "not though I must die to

save you."

The beautiful girl listened to her father's words, in tears. Throwing

herself at his feet she thanked him for his mercy and promised to love

him more fondly than ever. She told him that her vanity had not been

flattered by what most girls might have thought an honour, that she

would rather have the love of one good man like her father, than share

with others the affections of a king.

After listening to his daughter, the viceroy sent a respectful answer to

the palace, thanking the Emperor for his favour, but saying he could not

give up Ta-ki. "She is unworthy of the honour you purpose doing her," he

said, in conclusion, "for, having been the apple of her father's eye,

she would not be happy to share even your most august favour with the

many others you have chosen."


When the Emperor learned of Su-nan's reply he could hardly believe his

ears. To have his command thus disobeyed was an unheard-of crime. Never

before had a subject of the Middle Kingdom offered such an insult to a

ruler. Boiling with rage, he ordered his prime minister to send forth

an army that would bring the viceroy to his senses. "Tell him if he

disobeys that he and his family, together with all they possess, shall

be destroyed."

Delighted at the success of his plot against Su-nan, the Prime Minister

sent a regiment of soldiers to bring the rebel to terms. In the meantime

the friends of the daring viceroy had not been idle. Hearing of the

danger threatening their ruler, who had become a general favourite,

hundreds of men offered him their aid against the army of Chow-sin. Thus

when the Emperor's banners were seen approaching and the war drums were

heard rolling in the distance, the rebels, with a great shout, dashed

forth to do battle for their leader. In the fight that took place the

Imperial soldiers were forced to run.

When the Emperor heard of this defeat he was hot with anger. He called

together his advisers and commanded that an army, double the size of the

first one, should be sent to Su-nan's country to destroy the fields and

villages of the people who had risen up against him. "Spare not one of

them," he shouted, "for they are traitors to the Dragon Throne."

Once more the viceroy's friends resolved to support him, even to the

death. Ta-ki, his daughter, went apart from the other members of the

family, weeping most bitterly that she had brought such sorrow upon

them. "Rather would I go into the palace and be the lowest among

Chow-sin's women than to be the cause of all this grief," she cried,

in desperation.

But her father soothed her, saying, "Be of good cheer, Ta-ki. The

Emperor's army, though it be twice as large as mine, shall not overcome

us. Right is on our side. The gods of battle will help those who fight

for justice."

One week later a second battle was fought, and the struggle was so close

that none could foresee the result. The Imperial army was commanded by

the oldest nobles in the kingdom, those most skilled in warfare, while

the viceroy's men were young and poorly drilled. Moreover, the members

of the Dragon Army had been promised double pay if they should

accomplish the wishes of their sovereign, while Su-nan's soldiers knew

only too well that they would be put to the sword if they should be


Just as the clash of arms was at its highest, the sound of gongs was

heard upon a distant hill. The government troops were amazed at seeing

fresh companies marching to the rescue of their foe. With a wild cry of

disappointment they turned and fled from the field. These unexpected

reinforcements turned out to be women whom Ta-ki had persuaded to dress

up as soldiers and go with her for the purpose of frightening the enemy.

Thus for a second time was Su-nan victorious.

During the following year several battles occurred that counted for

little, except that in each of them many of Su-nan's followers were

killed. At last one of the viceroy's best friends came to him, saying,

"Noble lord, it is useless to continue the struggle. I fear you must

give up the fight. You have lost more than half your supporters; the

remaining bowmen are either sick or wounded and can be of little use.

The Emperor, moreover, is even now raising a new army from the distant

provinces, and will soon send against us a force ten times as great as

any we have yet seen. There being no hope of victory, further fighting

would be folly. Lead, therefore, your daughter to the palace. Throw

yourself upon the mercy of the throne. You must accept cheerfully the

fate the gods have suffered you to bear."

Ta-ki, chancing to overhear this conversation, rushed in and begged her

father to hold out no longer, but to deliver her up to the greed of the

wicked Chow-sin.

With a sigh, the viceroy yielded to their wishes. The next day he

despatched a messenger to the Emperor, promising to bring Ta-ki at once

to the capital.

Now we must not forget Fox Sprite, the demon, who had been commanded by

the good goddess Lu-o to bring a dreadful punishment upon the Emperor.

Through all the years of strife between Chow-sin and the rebels, Fox

Sprite had been waiting patiently for his chance. He knew well that some

day, sooner or later, there would come an hour when Chow-sin would be at

his mercy. When the time came, therefore, for Ta-ki to go to the palace,

Fox Sprite felt that at last his chance had come. The beautiful maiden

for whom Chow-sin had given up so many hundreds of his soldiers, would

clearly have great power over the Emperor. She must be made to help

in the punishment of her wicked husband. So Fox Sprite made himself

invisible and travelled with the viceroy's party as it went from central

China to the capital.

On the last night of their journey Su-nan and his daughter stopped for

rest and food at a large inn. No sooner had the girl gone to her room

for the night than Fox Sprite followed her. Then he made himself

visible. At first she was frightened to see so strange a being in her

room, but when Fox Sprite told her he was a servant of the great

goddess, Lu-o, she was comforted, for she knew that Lu-o was the friend

of women and children.

"But how can I help to punish the Emperor?" she faltered, when the

sprite told her he wanted her assistance. "I am but a helpless girl,"

and here she began to cry.

"Dry your tears," he said soothingly. "It will be very easy. Only let me

take your form for a little. When I am the Emperor's wife," laughing, "I

shall find a way to punish him, for no one can give a man more pain that

his wife can, if she desires to do so. You know, I am a servant of Lu-o

and can do anything I wish."

"But the Emperor won't have a fox for a wife," she sobbed.

"Though I am still a fox I shall look like the beautiful Ta-ki. Make

your heart easy. He will never know."

"Oh, I see," she smiled, "you will put your spirit into my body and you

will look just like me, though you really won't be me. But what will

become of the real me? Shall I have to be a fox and look like you?"

"No, not unless you want to. I will make you invisible, and you can be

ready to go back into your own body when I have got rid of the Emperor."

"Very well," replied the girl, somewhat relieved by his explanation,

"but try not to be too long about it, because I don't like the idea of

somebody else walking about in my body."

So Fox Sprite caused his own spirit to enter the girl's body, and no

one could have told by her outward appearance that any change had taken

place. The beautiful girl was now in reality the sly Fox Sprite, but in

one way only did she look like a fox. When the fox-spirit entered her

body, her feet suddenly shrivelled up and became very similar in shape

and size to the feet of the animal who had her in his power. When the

fox noticed this, at first he was somewhat annoyed, but, feeling that no

one else would know, he did not take the trouble to change the fox feet

back to human form.

On the following morning, when the viceroy called his daughter for the

last stage of their journey, he greeted Fox Sprite without suspecting

that anything unusual had happened since he had last seen Ta-ki. So well

did this crafty spirit perform his part that the father was completely

deceived, by look, by voice, and by gesture.

The next day the travellers arrived at the capital and Su-nan presented

himself before Chow-sin, the Emperor, leading Fox Sprite with him. Of

course the crafty fox with all his magic powers was soon able to gain

the mastery over the wicked ruler. The Great One pardoned Su-nan,

although he had fully intended to put him to death as a rebel.

Now the chance for which Fox Sprite had been waiting had come. He began

at once, causing the Emperor to do many deeds of violence. The people

had already begun to dislike Chow-sin, and soon he became hateful in

their sight. Many of the leading members of the court were put to death

unjustly. Horrible tortures were devised for punishing those who did not

find favour with the crown. At last there was open talk of a rebellion.

Of course, all these things delighted the wily fox, for he saw that,

sooner or later, the Son of Heaven would be turned out of the palace,

and he knew that then his work for the goddess Lu-o would be finished.

Besides worming his way into the heart of the Emperor, the fox became

a general favourite with the ladies of the palace. These women saw in

Chow-sin's latest wife the most beautiful woman who had ever lived in

the royal harem. One would think that this beauty might have caused

them to hate Fox Sprite, but such was not the case. They admired the

plumpness of Fox Sprite's body, the fairness of Fox Sprite's complexion,

the fire in Fox Sprite's eyes, but most of all they wondered at the

smallness of Fox Sprite's feet, for, you remember, the supposed Ta-ki

now had fox's feet instead of those of human shape.

Thus small feet became the fashion among women. All the court ladies,

old and young, beautiful and ugly, began thinking of plans for making

their own feet as tiny as those of Fox Sprite. In this way they thought

to increase their chances of finding favour with the Emperor.

Gradually people outside the palace began to hear of this absurd

fashion. Mothers bound the feet of their little girls, in such a manner

as to stop their growth. The bones of the toes were bent backwards and

broken, so eager were the elders to have their daughters grow up into

tiny-footed maidens. Thus, for several years of their girlhood the

little ones were compelled to endure the most severe tortures. It was

not long before the new fashion took firm root in China. It became

almost impossible for parents to get husbands for their daughters unless

the girls had suffered the severe pains of foot-binding. And even to

this day we find that many of the people are still under the influence

of Fox Sprite's magic, and believe that a tiny, misshapen foot is more

beautiful than a natural one.

But let us return to the story of Fox Sprite and the wicked Emperor. For

a number of years matters grew continually worse in the country. At last

the people rose in a body against the ruler. A great battle was fought.

The wicked Chow-sin was overthrown and put to death by means of those

very instruments of torture he had used so often against his subjects.

By this time it had become known to all the lords and noblemen that the

Emperor's favourite had been the main cause of their ruler's wickedness;

hence they demanded the death of Fox Sprite. But no one wished to kill

so lovely a creature. Every one appointed refused to do the deed.

Finally, a grey-headed member of the court allowed himself to be

blindfolded. With a sharp sword he pierced the body of Fox Sprite to the

heart. Those standing near covered their eyes with their hands, for they

could not bear to see so wonderful a woman die. Suddenly, as they looked

up, they saw a sight so strange that all were filled with amazement.

Instead of falling to the ground, the graceful form swayed backward and

forward for a moment, when all at once there seemed to spring from her

side a huge mountain fox. The animal glanced around him, then, with a

cry of fear, dashing past officials, courtiers and soldiers, he rushed

through the gate of the enclosure.

"A fox!" cried the people, full of wonder.

At that moment Ta-ki fell in a swoon upon the floor. When they picked

her up, thinking, of course, that she had died from the sword thrust,

they could find no blood on her body, and, on looking more closely, they

saw that there was not even the slightest wound.

"Marvel of marvels!" they all shouted. "The gods have shielded her!"

Just then Ta-ki opened her eyes and looked about her. "Where am I?" she

asked, in faint voice. "Pray tell me what has happened."

Then they told her what they had seen, and at last it was plain to the

beautiful woman that, after all these years, Fox Sprite had left her

body. She was herself once more. For a long time she could not make the

people believe her story; they all said that she must have lost her

mind; that the gods had saved her life, but had punished her for her

wickedness by taking away her reason.

But that night, when her maids were undressing her in the palace, they

saw her feet, which had once more become their natural size, and then

they knew she had been telling the truth.

How Ta-ki became the wife of a good nobleman who had long admired her

great beauty is much too long a story to be told here. Of one thing,

however, we are certain, that she lived long and was happy ever


